I commented joking there at 4chan it was Christmas had arrived earlier, but that was the case for me too, I will not comment who was because he asked to be anonymous, but he sent me two hentai, and I'm very happy with that, When I received them, and I was seeing, I was thinking of asking if I could share them, but right at the end of the message was that. Feel free to upload it anywhere else, they're yours now. Think of a happy person after reading this, and for the person, thank you again, and again, if anyone wants to talk to me, or even exchange jobs (even though most I have already shared ...), my e- mail is: [email protected]
Look at the other hentai I shared, there are several links and other things I commented, since as I always say, I'm too lazy to write. And once again, thank you to the person who sent me this hentai.