One Kunoichi leads to another Kunoichi, this time is Ayane's turns to seek for revenge of her close rival & sister -Kasumi- who have been brutally raped, murdered & dumped on a garbage bin in a dark alley with her sorry slutty face head decapitated from her body, treated like a trash.
Ayane found out the culprit use to come to a some massage parlor. She intended to infiltrate and disguise as one of the masseur to caught him off guard and execute her revenge. Will Ayane succeed on her mission? Or it will be another disaster even worse than Kasumi had.
Good stuff man. I hope Momiji is brutally raped and snuffed out after Mai, that would be all the kunoichi from ninja gaiden. Keep up the great work.
Base +2, malisu +7
Posted on 25 September 2020, 20:25 by: newguy2012a
Score +12
I didn't think you'd be able to top your Kasumi set - I'm glad you proved me wrong, though. Wonderful work as always, Ryuk; this is seriously the first DoA stuff that actually tickles my fancy. The whole prostitution stuff in the first part was excellent buildup that makes the monster rape and snuff later on pay off way better. Can't wait to see what happens to Mai next, I hope she gets it even worse than the two ninja bitch sisters.
Wow.. Thank you for the comment, it really means to me. Please look forward to Mai's story, it's still on going around 60% complete.. Please check out my pixiv if you want to see how far the story goes.. Cheers :D