Pixiv: https://www.pixiv.net/member.php?id=3254 Fanbox: https://s3bouzu.fanbox.cc/ Please support the artist if you like their works.
Archive contains all of the artist's Fanbox content from when they started posting in mid-May 2018 to now. Images are organised from earliest to latest, which explains why some posts may seem out of order. There will be a torrent with an option to only download the new content from between my last gallery and this one, as well as a complete download.
The artist posted almost daily from their built-up archive until the archive ran dry midway through 2019 whereupon they switched to posting weekly with new content. Some of the images left out of this archive are the timeline posts describing the posting schedule changes and these can be found on the artist's Twitter or on their Fanbox for free (I believe anyways). These timelines are nothing new and all the content in them can be found in this gallery.
There are 3 images (page 814, 816, 818) of Chika Fujiwara that use user contributed translations sourced from Sankaku Complex which I then typesetted. Thanks to them for their work!