Purchased and phone scanned by myself. Support the artist if possible.
Rare doujinshi contains Akyuu and Doremy sweet love story, already a 10/10 from me. Recommend to just refer this japanese original one and edit the chinese scan version since that one's much better, only for midori part. I have 15+ touhou doujinshis to phone scan and this one already took me a few hours.
https://www.doujinshi.org/browse/circle/29236/Midori-Neko/?kana=&start=&flist=&age=&anth=&order=date&flow=ASC Midori doujinshis order by date, supposedly related with Gensou Konintan(marriage) series. (The above link has few errors)
37. 白迷の手帖 - [Not Available] – https://www.melonbooks.co.jp/detail/detail.php?product_id=607229 Compilation of previous series. 21+26+31+33+37.5(short original story, not on sale) 37.5. - [Unknown]
38. 地天獄 - [Not Available] – https://www.melonbooks.co.jp/detail/detail.php?product_id=731140 Compilation of previous series. 28+30+35+38.5(short original story, not on sale) 38.5. さとりの居ぬ間に。 - [Not Available]