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[WadeVezecha] Ranma of Mars (Ranma 1/2) [Ongoing]

Posted:2021-05-25 23:43
File Size:171.8 MiB
Length:343 pages
Favorited:981 times
Average: 3.87

Showing 321 - 343 of 343 images

Posted on 13 February 2017, 22:26 by:   blakfayt    PM
Score +395
Oh look, someone is doing a reverse Interstella 5555.

Clarity edit: For those who don't know and won't look it up, Intersella 555 is a very strange animated film that was based around one of Daft Punk's albums. In fact, the movie has no dialogue and is played entirely to the album. It features a band of aliens, a literal band like instruments, that gets kidnapped and taken to Earth where they're recolored to look like humans and their memories are changed, much like in this image set, except from alien to human not human to alien. It's a pretty interesting experiment in animation and worth a watch if you like Daft Punk.
Last edited on 28 April 2017, 02:10.
Posted on 13 February 2017, 23:46 by:   liclic    PM
Score +31
I thought exactly the same !
Posted on 14 February 2017, 00:26 by:   TheRipped    PM
Score +206
Honestly, the 4th page hit, and Better Harder Faster started playing in my head XD
Posted on 14 February 2017, 00:33 by:   Hyqswx    PM
Score +138
This should be named Ranmars 1/2.
Posted on 14 February 2017, 00:36 by:   casurin    PM
Score +199
Ranmars ½ - Better, harder, faster, deeper.
Posted on 14 February 2017, 04:55 by:   Zerozero204    PM
Score +36
And they even got Kasumi! The artist sure likes to put a shine on the gold. And the machine's got no clue what to make of Akane's mind.... :) Onwards to Helium!
Posted on 16 March 2017, 02:29 by:   Ficfactor    PM
Score +159
Posted on 07 April 2017, 22:28 by:   Fernando OiL    PM
Score +45
interstella 5555?
Posted on 28 April 2017, 15:16 by:   coredumperror    PM
Score +37
The artist has stated that Female Ranma will be in this. She just hasn't been introduced yet.
Posted on 09 May 2017, 09:40 by:   akaaoi    PM
Score +20
God I hope it's not one of those 'Mousse saves Shampoo', 'Ryoga saves Ukyo' (made more likely by him being in her memories rather than Ranma), 'Ranma saves the Tendo girls' cliched stories.
Posted on 06 June 2017, 06:49 by:   Zerozero204    PM
Score +28
I like to blame the oxygen deprivation. Slave Auctions always mean crowd filler. I wonder if we'll see a cameo of any War of the Worlds aliens, Santa Claus, Gwen Ten, or Lum?
Posted on 14 June 2017, 03:43 by:   Ficfactor    PM
Score +17
Well, I'll be damned, The artist even remembered Akane's classmates Yuka and Sayuri. Yuka should have brown hair, though.
Posted on 15 June 2017, 20:40 by:   kingqyyn    PM
Score +23
Maglad: The story may not be drawing much inspiration from Interstella 5555, but you cannot watch the segment for Harder, Better, Faster, Stronger and not see a resemblance between it and pages 4-11 of this comic.
Posted on 16 June 2017, 03:08 by:   The Goat is Watching    PM
Score +34
The scene where the other girls are turned into another color and have their memories changed is absolutely based on Interstellar 5555.

See for yourself.
Posted on 17 July 2017, 01:44 by:   Ficfactor    PM
Score +23
And now Ranma-chan will have to play a brainwashed slave girl to infiltrate the bad guy HQ.
Posted on 17 July 2017, 01:55 by:   Zerozero204    PM
Score +32
Maglad- Since it's a Ranma comic first, the main idea is Ranma and/or crew show up and everything goes crazy. I've read Burrough's John Carter, much of Ranma, and only enough of Gor to not read more of Gor. You do raise some very good points, and some proper traditionalist points, but I for one do not think that any of it is a wasted opportunity. So far, it's well-crafted, on-model, and humorous.
Posted on 21 July 2017, 22:09 by:   Taigan    PM
Score +26
[pg 34 or 30 by the internal numbering]

Wait, what?
Girl-ranma is saying she's always been green, but just last page she was complaining about them dying her skin. 😕
Posted on 22 July 2017, 00:44 by:   The Goat is Watching    PM
Score +33
Wait, so Ranma forgets that he was dyed green in the very next panel? o_O

Was he brainwashed or wasn't he? MAKE UP YOUR MIND, WHOEVER MADE THIS.
Posted on 30 July 2017, 15:31 by:   MitchellTF    PM
Score +64
My problem with this comic? It's not sexy enough to really be good porn, and it's not got enough of a coherent plot to be a good non-pornographic doujinshi...Which leaves it little places to go.
Posted on 31 July 2017, 22:39 by:   Morgan_Maximara    PM
Score +23
Cute riff on Edgar Rice Burroughs' _A Princess of Mars_ that appears to be loosing its focus.

To be fair to the writer there are times in the manga where things are not consistent; like Sham Pu not even considering why the Guide would be there with two strangers. Heck, one of the reasons the anime is so different is Sham Pu was popular so she showed up way earlier then in the manga.

As for Ranko wearing gold, a common trope in sci-fi is what we consider valuable may be viewed as worthless in another culture. In the Treasure of the Lost Planet episode of _Lost in Space_, the treasure of a pirate who was from a planet filled with silver, gold, and gemstone turns out to be simple pig iron. In Catspaw (Star Trek) gemstones like rubies, sapphires, and diamonds can be manufactured and so are worthless. The female Draenei PC in WoW can comment This planet has a tremendous supply of sandstone. The inhabitants must be wealthy beyond their dreams.

In fact, in the novel Utopia silver and gold are used for chamber-pots and close-stools (portable toilets) and anything else that gives the metals low esteem...which is why slaves in Utopia are the only people who wear the metals.
Last edited on 19 August 2017, 11:35.
Posted on 01 August 2017, 12:05 by:   kingqyyn    PM
Score +17
Per the artist's comments on his DA: Going from they dyed my skin to it's always been green was a continuity error and a mistake and he owns that, didn't catch it until someone pointed it out. Far as having male and female Ranma out at the same time, an explanation will be provided and he concedes that the story is departing from standard Ranma 1/2 stuff (I have no comment on this, never watched/read it).

Also, to Maglad and anyone else commenting on the costumes, apparently the author is contemplating a Patreon account, and one of the perks will be a pastie-free version of this comic.
Posted on 02 August 2017, 12:17 by:   Morgan_Maximara    PM
Score +29
Actually having male and female Ranma out at the same time is NOT departure from the standard Ranma 1/2 stuff as it was in the manga as part of the Mirror Mansion saga.

In the anime Copycat Ken allowed female Ranma to fight male Ranma (Ken in disguise).

So people complaining about there being two Ranma don't know Ranma 1/2 as well as they think they do.
Posted on 10 August 2017, 05:12 by:   observer1980    PM
Score +39
I claim this gallery in the name of Mars!!!
Posted on 24 August 2017, 23:55 by:   yearhyearh    PM
Score +34
Super disappointed with this twist.
Posted on 31 October 2017, 22:48 by:   Ficfactor    PM
Score +22
Throughout all this, the most annoying thing is that the artist STILL gives Akane - who had brown eyes in the anime - blue eyes, and Ukyo - who had blue eyes in the anime - brown eyes.
Posted on 04 December 2017, 22:37 by:   Ficfactor    PM
Score +22
The Black Thunder of Martian High!
Posted on 11 December 2017, 15:33 by:   theCircle57    PM
Score +24
These green martians are missing a few limbs.
Posted on 19 January 2018, 22:46 by:   Ficfactor    PM
Score +34
So, are we just doing Movie 2?
Posted on 11 April 2018, 13:12 by:   Sylvrwolflol    PM
Score +30
I have no idea what the hell is going on anymore, but I guess I'm committed now...
Posted on 16 April 2018, 08:43 by:   laststand    PM
Score +58
The time when a doujinshi (right?) going too far you've lost all your libido :)

I dunno how u guys feel but there are times I thought it just a normal run of the real Ramma 1/2, just with a far worse script =)).
Posted on 14 May 2018, 20:38 by:   frickityfrack    PM
Score +36
Alright, this is going nowhere and I am totally flaccid. Get to the hentai already.
Posted on 11 June 2018, 02:40 by:   midori-chan    PM
Score +31
i don't even know why i keep checking the update. this is a regular comic nothing erotic
Posted on 19 June 2018, 14:45 by:   Loki The Flameshield    PM
Score +45
Is it me or does the whole brainwashing aspect seem like it was abandoned?
Last edited on 09 July 2018, 04:27.
Posted on 17 July 2018, 06:11 by:   MitchellTF    PM
Score +79
Okay...this comic is just...nothingness. The characters barely even act like people, it drags like heck...and it abandons the Ranmaness pretty quick. The brainwashing is brushed over...or ignored. Ranko is written out...there's no attempt at getting home...And it's 80 pages of...RANDOMNESS.

Ilyia, while it's not been mentioned. Ranko IS Female Ranma. It is a fan nickname.
Last edited on 22 July 2018, 19:41.
Posted on 22 July 2018, 20:22 by:   Sylvrwolflol    PM
Score +118
Will something actually happen?

Will our heroes(?) find a plot?

Find out next time on whatever the fuck this has become!
Posted on 08 August 2018, 04:53 by:   Loki The Flameshield    PM
Score +58
The Sailor Scouts, because why not.
Posted on 15 September 2018, 18:42 by:   Ficfactor    PM
Score +25
Even brainwashed and with her memory erased, Akane is still a cunt.
Posted on 28 April 2019, 20:56 by:   Ficfactor    PM
Score +24
Ukyo and Akane becoming feral brainwashed attack dogs like Yuka and Sayuri did earlier in the story is great. More like that, pls.
Posted on 06 August 2019, 17:52 by:   Ficfactor    PM
Score +34
Fair play to the artist. This has gone in a refreshingly different direction than expected.
Posted on 15 August 2019, 19:36 by:   asheevee    PM
Score +17
The way Ranma and Ranma-chan split off into two separate people with Ranma-chan not remembering being male at all kind of kills the GB aspect though.
Posted on 20 October 2019, 18:07 by:   Ficfactor    PM
Score +60
For god's sake, Ranma. You're living on a new world, and your two fiancées are now permanently transformed and brainwashed harem slave girls that you literally stole from their rightful owner, and are both very happy and eager to please you. Just fuck 'em already!
Posted on 13 December 2019, 02:44 by:   Ilyia    PM
Score +113
Page 242 killed the story for me. All the OOC and odd plot aside, making female Ranma a slut that would fuck a random guy was beyond OOC. Worse, her whole personality was strange and wrong the whole time. That being said, I have no idea anymore what this story is supposed to be anyway. There is no actual sex, and no real plot... there isn't even any real slave fetish or anything like that either... so what kind reader is this comic actually catering too?

1. OOC characters = not written for the fans of Ranma.
2. No sex = not written for people that want to fap.
3. No slave or bondage fetish = not written for the fans of this slave fetish
4. No real plot = not written for people that enjoy a good story.

so, who is the target audience?

If you comment on the artists deviantart page and mention this, or give him any criticism, he will Immediately block you so that your criticism gets removed and only praising comments are left. Go ahead and try it yourself.
Last edited on 18 December 2019, 06:39.
Posted on 17 August 2020, 14:35 by:   Maglad    PM
Score +6
Its not a reverse Interstella 5555, its a ranma 1/2 x Warlord of Mars x Gor crossover... I think.
I assume you know Ranma 1/2 so no explaining there
Warlord of Mars runs on the idea that Mars is populated and has a primitive feudal society built atop the ruins of an advanced sci fi civilization. They have birth quotas because the population is going extinct, and slavery is both sanctioned and expected for citizens who don't pay their taxes, are captured in war, or commit crimes. Also for those who haven't had children in too long and don't pay their no-children taxes. That being said, people go in and out of slavery pretty often so there's no real stigma associated with it. Look up Warlord of Mars: Dejah Thoris cover images from the comics art and you'll realize the style of clothing and such is exactly the same. That being said, the books are better and complete nudity is implied. I just feel the artist is wasting an opportunity since he's drawing a fanfic in an adult setting and website so while the comics had to have clothing because otherwise they wouldn't sell, this was a wasted opportunity to finally have proper nudity in the setting.
Gor (Slavegirls of Gor, Players of Gor, Nomads of Gor.... etc of Gor) are a rather long series of adult sci fi books based on... surprisingly, Gor. A planet in orbit on the other side of the sun so it can't be observed from Earth. Like in the Warlordf of Mars series, slavery is a thing that happens a lot and people go in and out of it quite often, but the author is more of an S/M enthusiast so women tend to end up loving being their masters' slaves by the end of each book and typically eg to be kept. Big fan of pissing off feminists. I used to like the first books until... the third I think? When he made a slavegirl act as 'bait' to entrap/enslave a bunch of men and later on they were angry at her instead of the men who were using her as bait. So much for 'women are tools, just like swords' and 'men of Gor are superior' since they blamed the girl they should think of as a tool, despite the planet-wide belief that slave girls should give perfect obedience. If they should give perfect obedience, then how can you blame a slave girl for tricking you when ordered to do so? And thus I dropped that book series.

The first two books are pretty fun, though. And I think you are somewhat right in that there's some Interstella 5555 influence there, if only because they changed the girls skin colors to more martian ones.

Mind control is a very common thing in both Gor and Warlord of Mars, so its not exclusive to Interstella 5555.

By the way, the art has improved a bunch, kudos to the artist. I still wish she or he used -SOME- shading, though, or at least some skin tones other than -flat- but the anatomy looks better
Posted on 30 December 2020, 16:41 by:   dwharlow    PM
Score +6
noticed on 293 (255) first panel close up breast are cover 2nd panel from distance breast uncovered next close up panel breast covered again.
Posted on 30 December 2020, 20:04 by:   MitchellTF    PM
Score +27
This is STILL ongoing?
Posted on 02 January 2021, 19:47 by:   Ilyia    PM
Score +30
The story keeps on getting worse... Not only does it make parodies of X-men movie scenes (the helmet one), but it also inserts references to badly written lemons (best little whorehouse in Nerima).

On top of that Ranma now runs around having no trouble murdering people he knows in cold blood and calling them stuff like bitch.

Ranma is defeated and his life spared... so Tatewaki does not kill him... But why does he now alow Ranma to beat him up and treat him like trash? Kuno waa the victor (thanks to Ryoga) but he acts as if he lost.

Now all of a sudden Tatewaki mention that his loves ate lost, but he didn't act as if he loved Akane and he didn't even recognize or react to his pigtailed girl at all.

Why is this story so bad?
Posted on 08 February 2021, 22:34 by:   JuankiMan    PM
Score +56
I get the feeling that this has going on for so long that the author has half-forgotten how it started. Ranma didn't abandon Ranko; She wandered off by herself and made herself a mercenary. It ain't even clear when she remembered she's supposed to be part of Ranma rather than her always being green and a woman.
Posted on 27 May 2021, 21:46 by:   ur2omgwtflolz    PM
Score +20
AndronicusVII just has a fetish for old pulp stories and 90s anime, so he combined the two into a fiction. Characters are all mindfucked by the hypno-beam that made them into martian sex slaves, and then they're set loose on Barsoom to have sexy fun pulp times.

The story is utter dogshit. I';m just here for cartoon girls in distress, forced to wear slave-girl getups and belly dance.

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