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[Nutaku] 7 Angel

Posted:2021-06-15 06:44
File Size:163.4 MiB
Length:985 pages
Favorited:540 times
Average: 4.25

Showing 41 - 80 of 985 images

Posted on 15 June 2021, 06:44 by:   BluSharp    PM
Uploader Comment
7 Angel asset rip as of 15th june... 2 images missing... also a bit out of order due to naming
Posted on 15 June 2021, 08:39 by:   MajinU    PM
Score -15
"Language: Japanese"
Nothing resembling a Game for it to be Game CG.
This is passably drawn but is Western and belongs in that category instead of clogging out actual hentai art from actual games. But it looks like you guys have done this dozens of times because using phony crap to justify wrong tags is a way to force exposure. That's why you put Japanese over English as the language too, to dodge people filtering you for miscategorizing.
Should be reportable behavior but this site is just being overrun by western spam now.
Posted on 15 June 2021, 08:52 by:   Excel2    PM
Score +10
7 angels is a game on Nutaku though
Posted on 15 June 2021, 11:53 by:   BluSharp    PM
Score +14
@ MajinU there is no language here for it to matter it just defaults to that and i had no reason to change it, this is indeed CG Art from a GAME and not the work of a single artist or group of artists who happen to be in the west...

i am very much aware of the way tagging works in E-hentai. Given the fact that you did not upload anything i would assume you do not know there is a flowchart describing how things should be classified .

Thing is, i disagree with the flowchart when it comes to the western tag since it implies that you know who the artist is, or where the content was produced, and it takes precedence over the tags that more clearly indicate source or type. so i chose to ignore that and set it to a category that makes a lot more sense. if you desire to organize a crusade and reclass this to western do whatever you want. other have done it before, did not really make a difference as far as i am concerned.
Posted on 15 June 2021, 13:10 by:   MajinU    PM
Score -23
If there's no language, then you're saying there's no "game" because surely the supposed "game" has a language, does it not? I mean if it's a "game", then there's a user interface of some kind at a minimum, right? Like I said, intentionally subversive.

Furthermore, by your own admission, you classed this wrong because you don't like the fact that Western takes precedence for a reason, and the reason is that when people look for hentai, they don't want to be clogged by some nobody's patreon commission western art. If they do, ding ding ding, there's a Western tag for that! Amazing! Working as intended to filter you.
So you did EXACTLY as I said. You're pissy your western art gets filtered by the Western tag WHICH IS THE PURPOSE OF THE TAG and like most western "artists" you (plural or by association) have a chip on your shoulder that thinks you're entitled to peddle your art wherever.
Congrats your western art is more passable than the usual. No, this does not entitle you to elevate your work to other categories on a hentai site for eastern work.
Posted on 15 June 2021, 14:29 by:   BluSharp    PM
Score +13
so my 1 gallery that may be incorrectly labeled based on the opinion of.. some ... that gallery that i post once every several months when i actually mange to hack a game, because, in case you did not realize, these are not screenshots, these are hacked asset rips which i worked my ass off to get.. i don't repost galleries found elsewhere, i even delete some of them when other people posted updates. This gallery is clogging the several hundreds that get posted here on a daily basis...

sorry mate but the only thing that is clogged here is your brain...

the language setting is there for mangas and comics... it is irrelevant for this gallery. this is not my art (no shit) and you have no way to tell where this game is made... it could be made in japan for all i know, and for that reason the Western tag is pointless 75% of the time... the reason i hack games is because i want to prevent people form playing these abusive games and offer them what they really want... i dont care about exposure, i have no reason to be subversive... but you know,... if u want to believe that... go live into your little twisted and horny world... i don't give 2 cents on what little pricks like you care about... actually i care so little that i am going to block you to make sure i don't have to deal with crying man babies again. have fun screaming in the void.

and do your crusade while you are at it... see how much i care.

Oh right... completely forgotten... for those who wish to read the story as well... this game has a resource vulnerability and i have found an easy exploit to gen infinite everything, so you can just blitz the entire story in 1 sitting... can only be done when played from a browser... but besides that no downloads required.... i will not share in a public comment... PM me on forums
Last edited on 16 June 2021, 07:49.
Posted on 19 May 2022, 17:21 by:   wrbkor12    PM
Score +2
torrent link is not work, fix it plsss

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