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[Kawahagitei] Shishunki Massakari, Gisu Gisu Keimai no Icha Love Kozukuri Nikki. Ch. 1-4 [English]

[かわはぎ亭] 思春期真っ盛り、ギスギス兄妹のイチャラブ子作り日記。第1-4話 [英訳]

Artist CG
Posted:2021-07-03 05:59
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Language:English  TR
File Size:761.6 MiB
Length:1035 pages
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Posted on 03 July 2021, 05:59 by:   Dynellen    PM
Uploader Comment
Translated by: slivermasterz (Ch. 1-3), 4126 (Ch. 4)
Edited by: xxggxx (Ch. 1-2), Revan (Ch. 3), Dokutah74 (Ch. 4)
Raw: Dynellen

"Height of Puberty, Strained Siblings’ Flirty Love Child Making Diary"

Seeking translator for final chapter.

Do support my bounties.
Posted on 08 August 2020, 16:56 by:   GuroLover12    PM
Score +305
Yeah i think the parents would be more concerned about the dangerously big stomach she has.
Posted on 08 August 2020, 16:57 by:   xzoozm    PM
Score +261
Thank god a name I know and respect is getting anther fantastic piece of Kawahagitei translated.
Keep up the great work Dynellen, you absolute champion.
Posted on 08 August 2020, 18:15 by:   Zecchi    PM
Score +231
Our hero Dynellen at it again. Bless you
Posted on 08 August 2020, 18:31 by:   slivermasterz    PM
Score +904
Translator here. Just wanted to drop some translator notes for this work.

-----Translation Choices-----

メス(Mesu) and オス(Osu) are used a lot in this work and I have them translated as male and female as I think it thematically fits the work the best.
Mesu and Osu are usually only used to refer to animals or plants.
Those more cultured may know of メス犬(mesuinu) which is usually female dog/bitch or メス豚(mesubuta) which is female pig.
I have also seen some works translate mesu as sow, which means that you could technically also think of osu as bull, but considering this work isn't focused on animal play or a farm setting, it didn't feel right to use sow and bull respectively.
But do keep this connotation in mind as there are some lines that could make more sense when read as sow in heat.

発情(hatsujou) This word was annoying to translate as it used throughout this work.
It is the word used to explain Kosuzu's condition, which they explain more about in chapter 2.
Since one translation of the word did not fit in every single context, I opted to translate the word as: aroused, in heat, urge to breed.
I tried my best to make sure that the different uses won't cause confusion to anyone reading the work without these notes, but the work may make more sense if you think of all three terms as being the same one.
But for some context to my pains.
One does not usually observe a human and say they are in heat, the human state would be aroused.
However, if you are talking about an involuntary condition, then in heat may make more sense, as arousal is possible without some imaginary illness.
However, in regards to talking about the illness, when they are discussing that the illness has to do with wanting to be impregnated, then aroused and in heat won't cut it, as while in heat does have a reproductive connotation when referred to in the context of animals, in hentai it has more of a connotation of unabated arousal.
Thus making the urge to be bred the best term for the situation.
For the most part, I just use aroused, but there are a couple cases where I used the other two terms to make sure there isn't any ambiguity between the arousal from her illness and her natural arousal when they are referred to in roughly the same time span.


-----Onomatopoeia Hell-----
This was probably one of the worst things to have to translate.
I did my best to get things that more or less got the sound bubble meaning across, but Japanese onomatopoeia can get really oddly specific sometimes, so I'll shed some more light on some of the ones I'm not quite satisfied on the translations for.

タプタプ(taputapu) translated as tremble - you look this up in a Japanese to English dictionary and all you get is flabby. That does not help at all. Upon some digging on some Japanese dictionaries/thesaurus, I found that it could be a couple things.
Either A. To become loose/baggy or plump and anything else in relation to that. Which fits the dictionary definition well.
or B. When a fluid fills a container in abundance and some trembling/movement occurs as a result (think a filled water balloon)
or C. When something soft/limp is inflated/expanded and the trembling that occurs from that.
I went with the B and C interpretation as it seemed to make the most sense, but who knows short of asking the author himself.
But considering he also used ボテ(bote) which roughly means heavy/plump, it is unlikely that he used taputapu for the same meaning.

ボテ(bote) which the the typesetter chose chubby for - translates to heavy, big, plumply or thickly.
ボテ腹(botebara) is literally belly of a pregnant woman. This is practically the Japanese belly inflation tag, though I think it may or may not include pregnancy as well. Not too sure.
But there isn't really a sound effect for big or expanded, so they went with what they did. I think I would have preferred bloated though.
Edit: Looking into pixix tag definitions more, botebara encompasses belly expansion related to the expansion of the womb. Including slimes, tentacles, eggs, semen, other liquids.
This is backed up by the fact that this tag is parented by the pregnancy tag.
According to the pixiv tag encyclopedia, Expansion via the stomach/digestive tract has a different appearance in reality, so should not really be classified as much, but since art is not reality, non intrauterine expansions could technically have the botebara tag if the image looks like botebara.

ボコォ(bokoo) gurgle in chapter one, deform in later chapters - This one was a real blunder. When searching bokoboko in a Japanese to English dictionary, you end up getting the following:
1. With a burble
2. hollow (sounding)
3. holey; full of holes or dents; lumpy; bumpy
4. viciously beating; hitting and kicking repeatedly​
5. (sound of) walking slowly​

Out of all of them, burble seemed to make the most sense, as the image associated did have some form of constant noise in the form of the ejaculation. Or at least that was my justification to myself since none of the definitions made any sense. Someone later down the production chain eventually chose the word gurgle. I wasn't too happy with the word choice, but considering I couldn't think of anything better, I wasn't about to complain about it.
Fast forward to the middle of the second chapter's translation, I started to have to dig much deeper for some of the sound effects beings used, whether it by going to Japanese ASMR videos, looking in Japanese forums, or looking at Pixiv tags.
Luckiliy for me, I was able to find bokoo in the Pixiv tag encyclopedia.

Its parent tag is roughly a mix between extreme insertion and vaginal gaping and bokoo itself seems like their version of stomach deformation.
They highlight that there are many similarities between botebara and the bokoo tag, but bokoo is generally a more violent protrusion.

ギチ(gichi) translated as creak from ch.2 onwards - Japanese to English dictionary defines it as creakily. Seems simple enough.
Looking deeper though, it also has 2 other meanings:
A. The sound of densely packed things touching each other.
B. The sound of strong rubbing.
For some reason those two combined gave me the impression of the sound of touching a filled balloon or like rubbing glass. Honestly this sound is so vague I have no clue what it is suppose to be.
My best bet is the sound of filling a rubber balloon too much, and you can start hearing the tension.

びゅー(Byuu) translated as groan - a word usually used to describe wind. The full list of definitions in the Japanese to English dictionary was: whistling sound; wheezing sound; sound of the wind; wuthering; howling; soughing; moaning.
Considering this is wind sound, it makes very little sense for it to be in this work at all.
However, based entirely on image context, I'd assume this is the sound made right before tension snaps. Like when you hear water or steam pipes buckling. But honestly who knows. While typing this, the steam pipes one actually makes sense, but I don't know how that applies to this work.

くちゅ(kuchu) and ぐちゅ(guchu) translated as schlick - This one was annoying cause the first instance of this had no useful results on the Japanese to English dictionary. It also generally meant nothing when googled by itself. Searching the word as a sound gave slightly better results, but most of them were adult forum posts that more or less went like. I was embarrassed... from my pussy... this sound... So that was one clue, but considering there was already image context, that clue didn't really help much. It wasn't until a couple links down that I found an audio clip that came with a description that used the word with more associated context. Luckily for me this person also wrote ぐちゃぐちゃ(guchagucha) in her description, which I assume is where kuchu and guchu derive from. That word translates to pulpy or soppy. And after starting the clip and hearing a girl finger herself, I realized what the sound was and instantly regretted not doing my translation research in incognito.
That should be roughly be everything in terms of additional context for now.
I will probably expand this post as more things pop up as I go through translating the later chapters.

I hope you enjoy reading this work!
Last edited on 20 August 2020, 23:40.
Posted on 08 August 2020, 18:51 by:   bigk40k    PM
Score +134
Dynellen, slivermasterz and xxggxx the Hero's we need in these times
Posted on 08 August 2020, 19:59 by:   Darktaka    PM
Score +19
Great work and an awesome read, thanks! I can't wait for the rest!
Posted on 08 August 2020, 20:16 by:   W1ncest    PM
Score +38
I never thought I was going to see the day when this beautiful piece of modern literature and art would be *properly* translated in its' entirety. God bless you, good sir/ ma'am, I hope you are rewarded with eternal love in the near future.
Posted on 08 August 2020, 20:20 by:   Zeroabsl    PM
Score +20
Wondering if there's a chronological order for all these stories that could be compiled into a single album?
Posted on 09 August 2020, 02:11 by:   Anaslex    PM
Score +13
Came all the way here intentionally (although I first saw it somewhere else first) to say reading this was weirdly poetic and truly showed a mastery of both languages. It was a couple of notches above just translation and honestly, I've seen the art before so that wasn't the main draw but I very much enjoyed the depth and nuance of the translation. Kudos to @slivermasterz for the read and @Dynellen for the upload. I hope you stick with this artist as this series and the other actively unfinished one definitely deserve love.
Posted on 09 August 2020, 06:14 by:   slivermasterz    PM
Score +87
@Anaslex I have a rough script of Henshin Heroine that I did a couple months ago, and I also typesetted 270/336 pages of it. I ended up losing motivation to complete it though since I find more joy in translating than in editing and typesetting. I also didn't give the script the proper readthroughs in order to make sure the work reads the same throughout. Being inexperienced as I was, I ended up typesetting while editing the script, which ended up with the result of the work seeming like it was translated by distinct translators. So what is likely to happen now is that once I'm done fully translating this work, or when I'm taking a break between chapters, I'll give the full script a couple more editing passes to iron out awkward phrasing, consistency errors, and some sound effect word choices, then open an editing bounty for it. Considering Henshin Heroine is one of Kawahagitei's best works (as long as you have no problem with shotas) it sucks that it isn't available in English. Also I'm willing to bet someone more experienced will probably be able to typeset all 336 pages before I can typeset the last 60 pages on Paint 3D.

On another note, Shishunki chapter 2 is completely translated. I'll just need to give it a couple proofreading passes before I can send it off to Dyn.
Posted on 09 August 2020, 09:10 by:   Ropensel    PM
Score +42
Oh god, yes. Onomatopoeias are a bloody nightmare.
Posted on 10 August 2020, 09:40 by:   OMJay    PM
Score +21
God bless you.
Posted on 13 August 2020, 22:18 by:   tamstrup    PM
Score +45
Kawahagitei is evolving!

"Insert Pokemon sound clip"
Posted on 20 August 2020, 17:17 by:   archmancer8    PM
Score +56
I've been wondering something. It's legal in Japan to create erotic works of fiction about underage characters, but it seems like a ton of hentai artists censor their characters' ages ("She was an X school student", "They were in O grade", "He was 1X years old"). Does anyone know why they do this?
Posted on 20 August 2020, 20:01 by:   slivermasterz    PM
Score +69
@archmancer8 It is very likely that they are imitating JAV titling schemes.
There is a short wiki section about it on the Porn in Japan page, but the tldr is that for JAV videos, they can sell titles that say 1X-year-old, but not 19-year-old.

Considering the fact that middle school looking is used in this work a couple times, it is very likely that this is just a homage to the JAV industry among those in the doujin community.
Posted on 20 August 2020, 22:36 by:   tol571    PM
Score +27
I'm going to have to agree with BannerMare above, this translation feels a little too stiff 90% of the time. There's also a few minor points where it feels nonsensical, like at 237 with that "Huh?". I have no idea what the MC is questioning there.
Overall, this translation is leagues above that machine translation from before, but I do think this translation lacks a certain touch, causing the text and dialogue to lack personality.

Also, I feel like calling Experigon's translation of the third chapter "sketchily translated and intentionally vandalized" is needlessly passive aggressive. His translation for that was great and honestly a bit better compared to the translation for these two chapters (no offence meant). As for the removal of the ovary bulges, that definitely wasn't cool of him to do, but I feel like "vandalized" is a bit too strong of a word for it, since I don't think it was done with ill intent.
Posted on 20 August 2020, 23:40 by:   slivermasterz    PM
Score +84
@tol571 There are two trains of thought when it comes to translations. One is where you try to make it sound as good as possible in English, but not really caring about the original text. The other is translating as close to the original text as possible, and changing things only when they don't make sense in English.

It should be clear which stance I take with my translation style.

The question now is whether you are looking for a translation or a rewrite. I would say that my translation is roughly 70-80 literal, as I believe that authors choose specific words for specific purposes and they also order their sentences for a specific purpose. In this work for example, the narrator's text tends to be stylistically different than the brother and sister's text. If I were to point out stiffness, the narrators text is what I would look at.

As for Experigon's translation, I would argue that it isn't really a translation and more of a rewrite. I'm not going to nitpick about things like word choice and sentence structure as that is part of a translator's stylistic choice, but when completely irrelevant sentences are added in, or when a couple lines are completely removed, I would hesitate to call that translating. Maybe he deemed that what the author originally wrote isn't good enough, but at that point you are no longer translating the author's intentions. Then again, it is highly possible it is just a well edited MTL, in which case a lot of the translation erros/choices would make sense.

While I agree that Experigon's 3rd chapter may have been a better read for you personally, it is hard to call it a better translation comparing it against the original text.

And it is totally fine to think this translation is too stiff, I don't pass my translation to an editor after all. But now that the text is here, anyone is free to rewrite these lines however they like.
The important thing to note is that you can always get a less literal translation from a literal translation, but you can't get a more literal translation from a non literal translation, so every further edit will only stray farther away from the author's original intent.

Last but not least, there isn't a Huh? on pg. 237. I'd be happy to clarify context, but I would need to know the original page number.
Last edited on 20 August 2020, 23:56.
Posted on 21 August 2020, 01:43 by:   Nen    PM
Score +55
I appreciate sliver being so engaged in the comments as he, Dynellen, and the typesetters take us through a 1500 page epic. I'll just say that I strongly prefer translations that hue as close to literal as possible even if they are a bit stilted. I think many of us here have, in recent years, seen some of our favorite anime, manga, or (especially) videogame scripts damaged by the efforts of so-called localizers. I'll take an accurate-but-stiff translation every time, and say thank you for it.
Posted on 21 August 2020, 06:47 by:   alcantarilla    PM
Score +34
Thanks a lot for another chapter of this great piece! And let me agree with what's said above, as someone who really hates 'localized subs' in their anime or videogames, I really love the effort put into making a translation as loyal to the original script as possible. Great work!
Posted on 21 August 2020, 10:06 by:   MartinMcSurvive    PM
Score +25
"You and me baby ain't nothin' but mammals
So let's do it like they do on the Discovery Channel
(Do it again now)
You and me baby ain't nothin' but mammals
So let's do it like they do on the Discovery Channel
(Gettin' horny now)"
Posted on 25 August 2020, 18:11 by:   Chocofro    PM
Score +33
Love that someone is taking on translating Kawahagitei's work. I like cumflation but honestly feel he's the only artist I like that does it. He doesn't hold back on size and has only made the belly's bigger from his 'Inran Virus' days (great series, and also has a translation).

One thing that I always wonder if how heavy the girls are. Like at the end of chapter 2, Kosuzu's belly has expanded past the length of he legs. Can she walk or after her belly has been bloated to such a degree do you just sit there until the semen is gone (wherever it goes)? After all, her belly probably weighs more than her at that moment.

I know its hentai with a dumb simple plot to have situations where a girl gets her belly bloated with cum, but I like to think about of the logistics of weight in expansion comics.
Posted on 26 August 2020, 19:17 by:   slivermasterz    PM
Score +16
@Chocofro If I recall correctly, there was some reference to her weight while she was bloated in the 5th chapter. If I did not remember incorrectly, then you can look forward to that.

But if you want some reference to Kawahagitei's work, he did write about the weight of one of his characters in another work.

The following is an excerpt of my unedited translation of Henshin Heroine pg. 265:

The 45th ejaculation finished. The volume reached 1.5 liters.
And in total, Ayana's uterus accumulated approximately 29 liters of semen.
That amount easily weighed more than half of Ayana's original body weight.
Currently, more than one third of Ayana'a body weight is the weight of semen.
Posted on 21 October 2020, 10:25 by:   wodn33    PM
Score +21
Thanks man.
Btw, can anyone upload the latest work by this artist?
It’s about Shibuya Rin and ghost sex which reminds me a lot of his first work.
I’d really appreciate it.
Posted on 21 October 2020, 12:20 by:   PaganRights    PM
Score +26
What a banana!
Posted on 21 October 2020, 12:28 by:   Polenord    PM
Score +8
It's not sperm, it's pudding xD
Posted on 21 October 2020, 13:50 by:   NotDisclosed    PM
Score +14
How can a female take so much semen around the clock, every day of the month, without getting pregnant? I guess the author really wants to drag it out.
Posted on 21 October 2020, 15:38 by:   Rek_kaZ    PM
Score +16
Noice! :3 Keep the great job.
Posted on 21 October 2020, 17:39 by:   ZheWatcher    PM
Score +45
That has to be the most cartoonish accidental penetration I've ever seen. Slipped on a banana peel. I'm not complaining. If anything I'm commending it for using such a hilarious method.
Posted on 22 October 2020, 23:23 by:   W1ncest    PM
Score +10
I can't get enough of this beauty! I must have more!
Posted on 28 October 2020, 18:11 by:   Chocofro    PM
Score +18
Awesome a new chapter. Love that the 3rd chapter (sort of) addressed how they might get her belly down to a reasonable size. Still want to see a situation where a girl struggles getting around with a oversized belly. Considering how huge kawahagitei is bloating girls in his newer stories, it's bound to happen.

So glad this is still getting updated. Thanks to all who are translating this project. Keep up the good work, if you need a typesetter for a few helping hands I can maybe help out.
Posted on 06 November 2020, 08:14 by:   Dynellen    PM
Score +171
Finale editing bounty: /bounty.php?bid=23568
Last edited on 24 July 2022, 12:52.
Posted on 18 November 2020, 22:12 by:   sgc_geh    PM
Score +35
@silvermasterz re: onomatopoeia, here's my take on that trouble list you've got.

1. タプタプ - this is kind of a sloshing noise. Think of the sound it makes when you shake a water balloon that has a little bit of air in it.

2. ボテ - yes, this is just a conceptual sound effect, not one with an actual IRL equivalent, and it is derived from ボテ腹. I'd go with "swelling".

3. ボコォ - this is the sound of something being forced to change shape from the inside, and you'll find it most often in H where a hard dick thrust causes a bulge visible from the outside of the recipient's body.

4. ギチ or ギチギチ - the sound of something straining tightly at the seams. You might also hear this sound effect from a person with a big ass bending over while wearing a pair of pants that's too tight for them; it's the sfx for when the jeans (or in this case, the body) is straining and trying to contain the pressure.

5. びゅ - this is a more rough-sounding version of ぴゅ or a shortening of びゅるる; take your pick, both amount to the same thing, which is the sound of a hard ejaculation of fluid.

6. くちゅ and ぐちゅ - "schlick" works here. It's the sound of something moist being stirred up, and almost always gets used for vaginal fingering.

Hope this helps, and good luck
Posted on 23 February 2021, 09:51 by:   Oriannari    PM
Score +12
Kawahagitei is awesome :D
Posted on 03 July 2021, 08:45 by:   alcantarilla    PM
Score +31
The project lives, yay!
Posted on 03 July 2021, 08:54 by:   foducool    PM
Score +49
damn, they're gonna fill a room next time
Posted on 03 July 2021, 22:10 by:   UrusaiSenpai    PM
Score +8
Lets gooo! more please!
Posted on 04 July 2021, 06:47 by:   SerafX    PM
Score +40
Hoh,already thought this was dropped.
Way to go Mr.Translator.

Having said that...oooph thats a rough translation.
Last edited on 04 July 2021, 07:09.
Posted on 04 July 2021, 14:55 by:   mashed_butt    PM
Score +18
Guy gets huge cock and invited to all girl school, obviously he should impregnate all her friends
Posted on 04 July 2021, 23:54 by:   hentailover223    PM
Score +8
hope to see this set get decensored soon
Posted on 05 July 2021, 08:11 by:   The Really Cool Guy    PM
Score +15
The translation for Chapter 4 seems off...
Posted on 15 July 2021, 07:21 by:   LookAtYrOwnName    PM
Score +14
The teacher's explanation in chapter 4 about the illness and why genetic defects aren't an issue was really mangled. So here it is, paraphrased, for anyone curious.

"There have been no cases of offspring with genetic abnormalities from people with the illness
Why is that? Well, it's the reason why someone would desire to have a child from a person they don't like in the first place.
It is believed that meeting the member of the opposite sex who posses gametes that have the utmost compatibility for offspring triggers instincts on the genetic level which causes the onset of the illness.
In other words, instincts on a genetic level have determined that thickening the blood is the most optimal choice for their offsprings' survival.
With that in consideration, it's logical to conclude that there won't be any genetic abnormalities."
Posted on 17 November 2021, 05:33 by:   Azathoth777888999    PM
Score +11
Where is fifth chapter?
Posted on 14 January 2022, 03:53 by:   adzse    PM
Score +2
Posted on 06 February 2022, 22:24 by:   hentailover223    PM
Score +6
someone please uncensor ch. 1,2, and 4
Posted on 02 July 2022, 23:10 by:   kill2434    PM
Score +44
It's been exactly a year and chapter 5 has not yet been translated?
Posted on 04 July 2022, 16:10 by:   ParadoxSparks    PM
Score +44
been checking for the new updates an unhealthy amount lol
Posted on 15 February 2023, 22:53 by:   StanleyMilgram    PM
Score +13
Posted on 10 April 2023, 17:29 by:   Dynellen    PM
Score +57
Completed version: /g/2519774/1dbc2bdb15/

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