Posted on 22 August 2021, 18:29 by:
Henric Posted on 23 August 2021, 11:18 by:
mjchen Score
Base +6, Polar shadow -5, nhz -13, TavisW -9, Dziskey -6, 迷の光暈 -9, ag46 -9, Kodomo_P -6, d779933 -14, stanasdf -10, Coledas Ukgent +14
Base +7, DARK LUNAR -6, Xihentai -12, tewaku -7, a4404z -6, Zyxto -7, HONGYIXUMING +6, Dziskey -6, VOID of Memory -8, TavisW -9, sylphelf +6, 迷の光暈 -9, Kodomo_P -6, and 22 more...
Posted on 23 August 2021, 16:01 by:
Roune Score
Base +6, kongo26 -6, xueli233 -3, HONGYIXUMING -6, Dziskey +6, Pomhfgjts -6, VOID of Memory -8, sylphelf -6, Zyxto -7, ag46 -9, Kodomo_P -6, shandadadada -6, agav -4, and 16 more...
Base +6, Coledas Ukgent +14
Posted on 24 August 2021, 03:07 by:
dcy990124 Score
Base +5, 020224h +6, ww990 +6, Coledas Ukgent +14
Posted on 26 August 2021, 08:09 by:
sci92 Score
Base +6, epicfailure +6, Akrioz +6, 炎灬丿魔 +5, Coledas Ukgent +14
Posted on 05 September 2021, 03:30 by:
jojosbd Score
Base +5, Xihentai -12, maxchang39 -6, Lx2317883 +5, kenf79a87 -7, Galham -7, Northland -9, 人品差到了死· +6, tunoel -8, asdfghjklzxc +7, Silentndealy -6, funny maker +6, CCXDoomer -6, and 9 more...
Last edited on 01 April 2022, 17:35.
Base +5, Galham -7, asdfghjklzxc +7, funny maker -6, 琴断ら弦奈何 +5, Coledas Ukgent -14