現在リクエストは受け付けておりません。 また、無断転載・二次配布・SNS等でのイラストの無断利用(アイコン・ヘッダー利用含)は許可しておりません。 最低限のマナーは守りましょう。 /////////////////////////////////TR I love drawing!
As for the genre to draw, there are many works by Falcom and original illustrations.
We are currently not accepting requests. In addition, unauthorized reproduction, secondary distribution, and unauthorized use of illustrations on SNS (including the use of icons and headers) are not permitted. Observe the minimum etiquette.
__________________________________________________________________ Birthday February 21 Workspace Software used クリスタときどきSAI Things on your desk ラムネ🍭 Background Music 色々 Chair マフマフの座椅子