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[Twitter] 邪界ニドヘグ (時刀 純)

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phqr  PM
Posted:2022-01-07 01:13
File Size:218.4 MiB
Length:1299 pages
Favorited:152 times
Average: 3.76

Showing 761 - 800 of 1,299 images

Posted on 07 January 2022, 01:13 by:   phqr    PM
Uploader Comment
Artist links: (banned, last I checked)

Almost full rip (I hope) of the artist's Twitter gallery, compiled during late November, 2021. Even with Python, I still feel like I spent too much time organizing this, but whatever. I actually procrastinated on posting this until I checked his Twitter the other day and found out it got banned. Fucking shame, really. Remember kids, always archive the stuff you find interesting.

Gallery is sorted by date, newest first, except the last 67 images, which are unsorted. Table of contents below. English titles are translated by DeepL.

1 - 80, 厄災 (Disaster)
81 - 196, あの夏、2人だけの秘密は… (That summer, the secret between us...)
197 - 225, 陰獣の森 (Forest of Yin Beasts)
226 - 238, ハグモン (Hagumon)
239 - 266, 茜ちゃんとデロくんのいけない遊び (Akane and Dero-kun's Inexperienced Play)
267 - 286, 彼女の引き算 (Her Subtraction)
287 - 304, みんなとの思い出 (Memories with Everyone)
305 - 349, 御弓野さん (Miyumino-san)
350 - 442, 行く先のない蝶たちへ (To the Butterflies with Nowhere to Go)
443 - 456, げだもの (Gedamono)
457 - 509, ブリーディングガーデン (Breeding Garden)
510 - 526, ブリーディングガーデン4 (Breeding Garden 4)
527 - 528, 次期ヒロイン案 (Next Heroine Proposal)
529 - 532, 御弓野さん最終回 (Miyumino-san Final Episode)
533 - 577, ブリーディングガーデン3 (Breeding Garden 3)
578 - 581, 全裸マイクラ (Naked Micra)
582 - 627, ブリーディングガーデン2 (Breeding Garden 2)
628 - 685, 雨竜 早苗 マテリアル (Sanae Ameryu Material)
686 - 701, ホームルームストリッパー町屋 香那 (Homeroom Stripper Kana Machiya)
702 - 705, 蠢動 (Wriggling)
706 - 709, エピローグ (Epilogue)
710 - 713, 不細工遺伝子くん (Ugly Gene-kun)
714 - 717, 後ろから抱かれても顔が見える (I can see your face when you hold me from behind)
718 - 721, 晩ご飯 (Dinner)
722 - 725, 胤部屋(たねべや) (Tanebeya)
726 - 729, オペラ (Opera)
730 - 733, 大山椒乳吸 (Daisansho milk sucking)
734 - 737, 妊娠して「ありがとう」と言ってくれる御弓野さん (Goyumino says "thank you" to me when I get pregnant)
738 - 741, 確実に命へ達する距離 (The distance to reach life for sure)
742 - 745, 真路吉くん (Shinjikichi-kun)
746 - 749, 慣らし交配 ⑤ (Break-in mating 5)
750 - 753, 慣らし交配 ④ (Break-in mating 4)
754 - 757, 慣らし交配 ② (Break-in mating 2)
758 - 761, 慣らし交配 ① (Break-in mating 1)
762 - 765, 慣らし交配 ③ (Break-in mating 3)
766 - 769, zone ④ (Zone 4)
770 - 773, zone ③ (Zone 3)
774 - 777, zone ② (Zone 2)
778 - 781, zone ① (Zine 1)
782 - 785, ピロートーク (Pillow talk)
786 - 789, 見せ物 (Show)
790 - 793, 生絞り (Fresh squeeze)
794 - 797, 俺の女だ! (That's my girl!)
798 - 801, マラノスケ (Maranosuke)
802 - 805, にゃあ (Meow.)
806 - 809, SCP (SCP)
810 - 813, ゆっくり“百”数える (Slowly count to 100.)
814 - 817, 繁殖権 (Breeding Rights)
818 - 821, Tattoo (Tattoo)
822 - 825, 孕み慣れ ④ (Accustomed to Impregnation 4)
826 - 829, 孕み慣れ ③ (Accustomed to Impregnation 3)
830 - 833, 孕み慣れ ② (Accustomed to Impregnation 2)
834 - 837, 孕み慣れ ① (Accustomed to Impregnation 1)
838 - 841, 彼氏面 (Boyfriend face)
842 - 845, “びゅうびゅう”の時間 (Time to "swoon")
846 - 849, 恥辱 (Humiliation)
850 - 853, 卒乳するまで3年 (3 years to breastfeed)
854 - 857, 母乳JKによる転生の儀② (Ritual of reincarnation by breast milk JK 2)
858 - 861, 母乳JKによる転生の儀① (Ritual of reincarnation by breast milk JK 1)
862 - 865, おやすみなさい (Good night)
866 - 869, 美岬匡子 (Masako Misaki)
870 - 873, 親指でぐりぐり (Groping with my thumb)
874 - 877, 手持ち無沙汰 (I have no time for this)
878 - 881, ゲレゲレゲレ (Gele Gele Gele)
882 - 885, 密着胎動 (Close fetal movement)
886 - 889, 「どこに出してほしい?」と訊いたら、必ず “中” と答えてくれる御弓野さん (When I ask "Where do you want me to put it? Whenever I ask, "Where do you want it to come out?", Ms. Miyumino always answers, "Inside.)
890 - 893, よそ見しない! (I'm not looking away!)
894 - 897, 山瓦先輩 (Yamawara-senpai)
898 - 901, 手遅れ (Too Late)
902 - 905, 人間が素手で野生動物を倒す方法 (How humans can defeat wild animals with their bare hands)
906 - 909, 明日はドッジボール (Dodgeball tomorrow!)
910 - 913, 身嗜み (Personal grooming)
914 - 917, 行方不明 (Missing)
918 - 921, 睾丸遊戯 (Testicle play)
922 - 925, 胎盤食 (Placenta eating)
926 - 929, イキ狂い (Cumming madness)
930 - 933, 「うん」と言ってくれる毬ちゃん (Marari says "yes" to me)
934 - 937, ナイト様 (Master Knight)
938 - 941, 性の目醒め (Sexual Awakening)
942 - 945, 夢精 (Dream Semen)
946 - 953, 聖クラリス女学院 胎貸部 (St. Clarice Academy)
954 - 957, タマ搾り (Squeeze my balls)
958 - 961, セックス反省会 (Sex Review Meeting)
962 - 965, 人類遺伝子の隘路 (The narrow path of human genes)
966 - 969, びびりっ娘 (BIRBY GIRL)
970 - 973, あなたのパパよ (It's Your Daddy)
974 - 977, 蛙の歌 (Song of the Frog)
978 - 981, うぶめ (Ugume)
982 - 985, 蛹 ~SANAGI~ (Chrysalis ~SANAGI)
986 - 989, 胎児舐(ねぶ)り (Licking the Fetus)
990 - 993, 良姉と愚弟 (Good Sister and Foolish Brother)
994 - 997, きみのおなか (Kimi no Onaka)
998 - 1001, 制服探検隊 (Uniform Expedition)
1002 - 1005, グループカウンセリング (Group Counseling)
1006 - 1009, ミミズ模様 (Earthworm Pattern)
1010 - 1013, ヘヴィーランゲージ (Heavy Language)
1014 - 1017, あなたの そばに いられるならば (I wish I could be by your side)
1018 - 1021, たちんぼ (Standing still)
1022 - 1025, さぁ、おいで、おうちにかえろ (Come on, come on, let's go home.)
1026 - 1029, #魔女集会で会いましょう (#See you at the witches' coven.)
1030 - 1033, 八重樫さん (Mr. Yaegashi.)
1034 - 1037, 非効率な動物 (Inefficient animals)
1038 - 1041, 協力課題 (Cooperative task)
1042 - 1045, 騎乗の姫 (Riding Princess)
1046 - 1049, ママ、おいてかないで (Mom, don't leave me!)
1050 - 1053, マウンティングレクチャー (Mounting Lecture)
1054 - 1057, 出産ライブ実況 (Live Birth)
1058 - 1061, 医学の敗北 (Medical Defeat)
1062 - 1065, 聞いて、聞いて、あのね、今日ね… (Listen, listen, listen, you know, today...)
1066 - 1069, つながりっぱなし (Staying Connected)
1070 - 1077, 手品 (Magic trick)
1078 - 1081, 鳥あたま (Bird's Head)
1082 - 1085, 友達の証 (Proof of friendship)
1086 - 1089, 花園さんとラブラブH (Loving H with Mr. Hanazono)
1090 - 1093, 尊厳を奪う形状 (shape that takes away your dignity)
1094 - 1097, 合格 (Passing the exam)
1098 - 1101, 圧迫(物理)面接 (Pressure (physics) interview)
1102 - 1105, 肝井くんはアレだから (Because Kimoi-kun is a thing)
1106 - 1110, 写ルンです (Shutterstock)
1111 - 1114, タコとルカ (Octopus and Luka)
1115 - 1118, 援助交配 (Helping each other)
1119 - 1126, 休憩室での雑談 (Chit-chat in the break room)
1127 - 1128, イキ顔にらめっこ (Staring at a hot face)
1129 - 1129, 怪魚 (Monster fish)
1130 - 1133, ペットを使って、夜… (Using pets, night...)
1134 - 1134, メイドインアビス (Maid in Abyss)
1135 - 1138, 職場に新しく入ってきたバイトの後輩が、いろいろとゆるい (A new part-time junior employee at work is loose in many ways.)
1139 - 1142, #今まで描いた中で1番大きいおっぱい貼ろうぜ (#Let's put up the biggest tits I've ever drawn.)
1143 - 1145, メス自慢 (I'm proud of myself.)
1146 - 1149, なんとなく写真いじり (Fiddling with photos for some reason)
1150 - 1151, 島の夜、暗ーい (It's dark at night on the island.)
1152 - 1153, 会社帰りルートを誤ると取り込まれる結界 (If you take the wrong route home from work, you'll end up in a ward)
1154 - 1161, 卵子強襲 (Oocyte attack)
1162 - 1164, 落書き3枚 (Three doodles)
1165 - 1165, あさひなぐ (Morning Sun)
1166 - 1169, #同じ人が描いたとは思えない絵を貼る (#I'm going to put up a picture that I don't think was drawn by the same person.)
1170 - 1173, #2017自分が選ぶ今年上半期の4枚 (#2017 Four pictures of the first half of this year that I choose.)
1174 - 1174, 明日ちゃんのセーラー服 (Tomorrow-chan's sailor suit)
1175 - 1175, ファイアパンチ (Fire Punch)
1176 - 1176, 健康で文化的な最低限度の生活 (A Healthy and Cultural Minimum Standard of Living)
1177 - 1177, 巨娘 (Giant Girl)
1178 - 1181, 僕と同じクラスの女子は… (Girls in the same class as me...)
1182 - 1182, 記憶 (Memory)
1183 - 1184, 3,000円のドライヤー買うか (Buy a $3,000 hair dryer?)
1185 - 1185, ヨルムンガンド (Jormungandr)
1186 - 1189, 草津温泉である (I'm in Kusatsu Onsen)
1190 - 1193, 体育館倉庫での告白 (Confession in the Gym Warehouse)
1194 - 1194, 人類遺産 (Human Heritage)
1195 - 1198, 他のメスの映像を観ながら (Watching footage of other females.)
1199 - 1199, 忌み神 (God of Abominations)
1200 - 1207, 佐世さん (Saso-san)
1208 - 1209, ウゥオ~ヘァハァ~ (Woooo~haha~!)
1210 - 1213, 八重樫さんと沼袋くん (Yaegashi-san and Numabukuro-kun)
1214 - 1217, さっきの続き (Continued from earlier)
1218 - 1221, 昨日に続いて自動着色 (Continuing from yesterday, auto-coloring)
1222 - 1225, 自動着色してくれる (Auto-coloring for me)
1226 - 1229, 童貞を殺すセーター着せてみた (I made her wear a sweater that kills virgins.)
1230 - 1230, pina (pina)
1231 - 1232, 絵はいろいろ描いているけど (I've been drawing a lot of pictures.)
1233 - 1299, Unsorted
Posted on 07 January 2022, 04:03 by:   a lonely hentai cat    PM
Score +18
Love this artist. Thx for sharing!
Posted on 23 November 2024, 17:36 by:   nsfwflashbacks    PM
Score +6
New artist's xtwitter link:
Youtube link:

Edit: Breeding Garden 4 is incomplete, but it can be found on artist's xtwitter posts
Last edited on 24 November 2024, 15:56.

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