Posted on 15 March 2022, 03:34 by:
Bfodler Base +8, liberius +6, Forgunia +7, AininChase +7, Draw99Gray +18, alexApert +6, Sojourner76 +8, lilmagi +6, RigenZ +6, xaelath +6, yunnch +6, W1slicer +6, Ryth_ZX +6, and 10 more...
Base +22, throwaway7 -6, trainvoi +6, Forgunia +7, AininChase -7, Draw99Gray +18, alexApert +6, Catrix -10, Master E +6, RigenZ +6, Bobbot91 -8, Amauri14 +6, W1slicer +6, and 6 more...
Base +6, lilmagi +6, kodofwar +6, Turisk +8, RigenZ +6, xaelath +6, yunnch +6, W1slicer +6, Stoicism +6, Ildzmer +7, MrDonFerri +6, threk +6, DRAGONRULER +6, and 11 more...
Base +6, Stoicism +6, Ildzmer +7, MrDonFerri +6, BaperNu +9, xyzdragon +8, UnknowDestroyer +19, Ishkander +6, Midna25 +6, Goggalor +6, Derpaher +6
Base +6, Ildzmer +7, xyzdragon +8, venom17 +6, kadyysh +7, 01Anon +6
Base +26, Senkoau +6, Ildzmer +7, Moonlights31 +8, Myouren +7, Ennis I. +6, m42a +18, thebeginingoftheend +7, DeltaX +11
Base +6, Ildzmer +7, BaperNu +9