One of the quote forgotten unquote things I mentioned in the comment on Catena relaunch. Decided to upload it because I don't know.
The story itself was penned and put into graphic form by one TiredOrangeCat, known in confines of this sinful world as Corey Messer, and run from ~2006 to ~2010. After that, author created few vignettes with characters from the story, and started a new one, serving as a sequel of sorts. Went on update drought, then - hiatus, returned, went on hiatus again, decided to work on his artistic merits, revamped the forlorn and forgotten site (again, circa June, 2021), managed to get his stuffing... ahem, changed by the Twatteratti somewhen along the way, went on semi-hiatus again - you know the drill.
If this is an æsopian fable of heavy themes and subtexts of crucial importance in concurrent world trends, or an edgy furry bullshite full of overly pretentious pseudointellectualism and mindless games with broken and grinded down shards of great concepts reduced to the point of inanity - it is up to you to decide.