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[mcnostril] ROBUST - Technical Specifications for the Perfect Android

Posted:2022-05-24 13:41
File Size:17.05 MiB
Length:56 pages
Favorited:55 times
Average: 4.40

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Posted on 24 May 2022, 13:41 by:   kikimaru024    PM
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Posted on 25 May 2022, 00:08 by:   asdfest    PM
Score +79
1. Why not just put the battery INSIDE the robot? If you're really worried about placing the battery in a spot where it would minimize power consumption while standing/walking/balancing, place it in the middle and push both sides of the robots (chest and back) outwards with counterweights placed to normalize weight? Probably company cost-cutting when being assembled in Ethiopia, or Taiwan or China. Just expect the consumer to overlook the products faults because you're an established line/first of your kind in an industry. Probably made in China. Fucking shareholders. Fucking little leech fat fucks.

2. The three laws of robotics were created by the good old Mr. Isaac Asimov, which almost everybody is aware of. It was first published in a short story by the name of "Runaround". The central idea of the story is that a robot is tasked with collecting selenium on Mercury to replenish/fix life support at a mining station, and the two human characters that were sent to the colony are trying to figure out why the robot isn't collecting it. I won't explain the story, but there are a couple more stories that follow those 2 human characters exploring how (at least in the stories) the laws would interact given difficult situations (and 'anthropomorphizing" the problems to make it easy for anybody to understand, having robots create religion and dancing when they're not being watched directly).

They're interesting and thankfully easy to understand, because god knows I don't have the psychology, computer science, logic, machine learning and religious experience and knowledge to accurately or intelligently break down how the fuck morality could or should be integrated into an A.I. but it's an extremely interesting story topic that never really gets old as long as you can find new ways to write the laws, have the laws interact in a world.

Eventually (or more likely, now being tested in controlled environments), people will probably be able to and allow themselves to create an A.I. with a set of morality rules along with the ability to self-write codes and interact with its environment. Eventually it may even be possible that these creations will be bought either by the public, businesses, warehouses, doctors, militaries, whoever needs a task to be done; they will have a robot that will need to interact and react quickly to incredible amounts of stimuli, solve problems and possibly/likely interact with people on a day-to-day basis. If you recall fluoridation of our water in the 1950 or 1970's, they've only recently found that it has a neurotoxic and neurobehavioral effects (lethargy, difficulty focusing, etc...), and leaded gasoline increasing the crime rates (mostly among the boomer generation and gen x periods) and ALSO reducing global IQ. It was used from 1921 to 1996, 75 YEARS of leaded gasoline usage before it was ended due to health concerns.

Point of all that is, it's a classic "you were so caught up with if you could, you didn't think if you should" situation. I could come up with millions of examples, anybody could. Just from drawing from their own ideas and experiences but we'll be forced in some way knowledgably (from command, requirement of task, for profit) or unknowledgably towards a bias; and ultimately every answer will be the wrong answer when you're subject to the whims and wishes of a crowd believing their form of morality (ideally) should be placed above all else, or simply the method in which the task gets done (example: military bots killing in most effective fashion without blue on blue). It is impossible to come up with an absolute answer to a subjective question. The realistic best we can do is to meet an objective goal. Even the most basic *objective* laws sent forward by Isaac Asimov were tried and tested in his own sets of stories. And they worked in limited capacity, causing unintended and unorthodox solutions to problems at times and in worst case the laws caused a problem in executing its explicitly issued command.

Add self-determinism and self-writing commands and functions (weighed likely through machine learning either online or offline). Add new capabilities in response to stimuli, ideally the *most* new capabilities to mirror a humans responses, or even be better than a human's responses to beat out the competition (assuming most likely case is a company creating this bot to create profit, bulletproof armor, single-digit millisecond reaction times). Assume human callousness/shortsightedness/ignorance. This is how you create another thalidomide crisis, fluoride, asbestos, leaded gasoline, oil spill, flint MI... regardless I want my sex bots so fucking bad, I want to be able to fuck an imp so much it literally depresses me every waking day I can't have a robotic recreation of imp midna to smother my face with her blue and black glowing asshole and have her drain every drop of my cum EVERY single day and the saddest thing about this thought is that the government will deny me this reality by reactionary policy of some news scare about people making self determining loli-bots and they'll put a height limit on the types of self-determining sex bots and I WILL NEVER GET MY SHORTSTACK SEX BOTS. That is the day you see me turn into Ted fucking Kaczynski. I will cause so many problems it will be fucking unreal. They'll regulate my imp bots before they ever think about self-determinism and rules based morality causing problems; because when I see another story about another tesla catching fire and locking all the doors because of a failure, NOBODY BATS A FUCKING EYELASH OR GIVES A SHIT EXCEPT CONSUMERS.

Oh yeah, and also the government WILL commission boston dynamics to put a gun on their robots and fucking clear sub-Saharan shitholes for oil and diamonds, and crops. Something like that's scary too, would hate it if they turned on us because somebody misplaced a fucking line of code, or they got hacked. Then we're going straight to true cyberpunk.

TL;DR: Fucking hate companies, give me my fucking 10/10 looks imp/maid-bot and make it have a realistic self-determining pleasure/orgasm feature so I can have a short-stack femboy bot cum on my chest as I'm eating it out and jacking it off all day. I'd prefer for it to not fucking short circuit and cut my dick off too because 2 + 2 = kill humans, company (looking at you, Tesla). Those 4chan lewd maidbots were a peek into the future that is the purest and most righteous path for humanity. I want to fucking a robotic goblin so much it is a literal cause for depression. You (reader) should make more stories involving Isaac Asimov's rules for robotics because they're eternally be an original topic for sci-fi when you give it a unique and novel spin.

Thank you.

edit: I also really really like the artists style, forgot to put that as 3. unfortunately, I got just a tiny bit off track in the middle there. Really dig the art style. 5/5
Posted on 25 May 2022, 05:42 by:   2000m    PM
Score +39
amazing details this really shows worthy effort
Posted on 29 May 2022, 15:38 by:   Terrael    PM
Score +29
I loved this story, so freaking fun. Had me smiling all over the place. The art its seriously good and enjoyable...and now i need a full story about the domina bot, i really need to know if she will accept her fate or try to fight back and be the most wholesome bot out there

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