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Theretto Commissions (Deleted FA)

Posted:2022-06-23 01:14
File Size:89.25 MiB
Length:106 pages
Favorited:77 times
Average: 3.97

Showing 41 - 80 of 106 images

Posted on 23 June 2022, 01:14 by:   Moonlight Rambler    PM
Uploader Comment
This person deleted their main account on FA, did takedown requests on e621, and pretty much everything else they could to wipe themselves and their characters from the internet. This is what I managed to salvage.

I took it upon myself one day about a year ago to try to salvage everything I could by any means necessary - original artists' posts, twitter, boorus, etc.. I didn't get everything, but I got a sizeable amount of it. I could only find the "Rykar Design Sheet" (page 104) as a thumbnail; if you have it or anything else, please let me know.

There are near duplicates, and for that I apologize. There are a few cases where it's unclear which image version is the original (if any) due to the postmortem forensic nature of the image gathering.
Additionally, there are cases where EXIF metadata and filenames lead me to believe different versions were posted to different pages/sites by the commissioner.

Sequencing might be bad due to the terrible filenames some of these had, but point the problems out and I'll correct my sorting. I've done my best.

Note: The lizardlike character seems to be called "Akita." I think the purple otter(?) character was "Rin."

Please consider reaching out to me if you have more stuff to add to this collection. I spent entirely too much time working on this.

Takedown request on e621:
e621: all deleted images (I had to guess from the tags what the image contents to search for were; found most but not all of them):
status:deleted *_(theretto):*_%28theretto%29
Posted on 23 June 2022, 01:28 by:   sjupl    PM
Score +6
I am a bit curious , why did he/she vanish like that?
Posted on 23 June 2022, 03:04 by:   Moonlight Rambler    PM
Score +38
@sjupl: "I am a bit curious , why did he/she vanish like that?"
My guess? Someone IRL found out about their account, or they were doxed, or had a feud, or some other changing social dynamic drove them off.
But since the takedown request details are hidden, I really have absolutely no way of knowing. I am also curious.

It's worth noting that I have *never* spent time in any furry "communities," and I honestly have no desire to do so; I just like art. So I was not privy to any drama as it was (possibly) unfolding... and if that happened, the account's deleted so that drama is gone with it.

I just wish they could have left without deleting everything... I hate how FA and e621 can memory hole things so completely. People who put images on other boorus/on here are archival heroes.

@lannister9226: I can appreciate that thought, but this is art and I hate the thought of destroying art. And since they didn't even say why they were leaving publicly, it is only a guess. I sat on these pictures for about a year before deciding I needed to share.

IMO, once stuff is shared publicly, you forfeit your control of the content. Copyright law is an arbitrary restriction on the free exchange of information.
Last edited on 24 June 2022, 00:42.
Posted on 23 June 2022, 07:40 by:   lannister9226    PM
Score -6
If I were you, I would respect the decision and their wish about these pictures to remain erased from the internet. I know the first rule of internet, but if someone decides, I would try to help them.

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