getchu的那个版权锁真的令人崩溃,搞了老半天,用了各种办法才终于买到这一本。算上昨天上传的Lisa,Saku目前的作品都补完了,可喜可贺,可喜可贺。 The copyright limitation of getchu is really driving me crazy. It took a freaking long time to buy this one with various methods. Including Lisa uploaded yesterday, Saku's current works are basically complete. Congratulations, congratulations.
Last edited on 25 July 2022, 07:22.
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@ L0v3J4P: It`s kind of limitaiton, a protection of copy right. If you want to download this work U have to use 32bit IE and several limitation. Yes it`s kind an old work but not that old, lol.