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Skyguyart - Roland Bonhomme

Posted:2022-08-11 18:03
Visible:No (Replaced)
File Size:141.8 MiB
Length:154 pages
Favorited:912 times
Average: 4.47

There are newer versions of this gallery available:

Skyguyart - Roland Bonhomme, added 2022-12-26 20:49
Skyguyart - Roland Bonhomme, added 2023-09-26 19:05

Showing 41 - 80 of 154 images

Posted on 11 August 2022, 18:03 by:   RayMay1051    PM
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Our favorite goth tsundere femboy S2
Posted on 09 July 2022, 06:30 by:   yperh    PM
Score +36
i can't tell if the first 4 pages are supposed to be taken seriously or not. It goes so indepth into philosophy and then back into meme porn. its whiplash. but i think its good whiplash?
Posted on 09 July 2022, 09:31 by:   asdfest    PM
Score -72
based long paragraph diatribe writer that makes you think about the finer points of a realistic execution of a theoretical fantasy, making you think about whether or not you would be willing to make a choice you are willing to stand behind for the short time that you will remain in your younger years, or that you whether through willpower or body capabilities you are capable of performing these feats of sexual ability and that the joy you get from spending the time doing it is the thing you want most in life, or perhaps in some meta-sense it's a sort of 'parody' in that the writer is critiquing the long winded diatribes for the things you may enjoy that you have in your head or privately with a trusted confidant, or an anonymous stranger at a bar or image board. Like the thoughts that race through your head all at once in a single moment, like sky diving before and after you take the first jump.

It's these sorts of writings that should be substantive, something that you can really actually parse through and say, "well I *can* understand it, but is it worth my time?", and by the end of it you're left more on the side that it was worth the time, than it wasn't. Not everybody will agree that it was worth the time, but if even one person sits down and thinks, "hm, maybe this whole femboy and cock crushing thing in fantasy could lead to long-term effects should I go too far into it, so I should establish what boundaries I can have for myself, as the artistic fantasy world does not include a lacerated cock... unless the artist wants it to, and that the reality will measure up against the fantasy as there's blah blah..." and so on and so forth.

perhaps I've read too far into the first 4 pictures of an artist before thinking about this, perhaps at the end of everything it was just the artists personal vent, or a long-form joke taking a shot at people who talk in these long-winded annoying ass diatribes going on and on about god knows what and you know, maybe that's the big joke at the end of the day. a joke that people who skip the long paragraph can laugh at and something that people who read into things to figure out if there's anything good to learn get something worth the time. At the end of the day, it's a longing to be heard and understood that everybody wants; to interact with people and run your fingers through it all and say that you did something you enjoyed doing at least for a bit of the day, that it wasn't all suffering and bleakness and that the day or week or month or year was properly spiced with the good and the bad, no matter how short or long it is or at least there is the promise of a better tomorrow that's all the sweeter from the current suffering

and at least I wasn't born a cow in a meat factory holy shit I'm so fucking glad I'm not a cow in a meat factory this planet is a machine for suffering for a demiurge and at the end of the day I'm not an animal and I get to see hot femboys on my magic computer box
Posted on 11 July 2022, 09:33 by:   lksls    PM
Score +24
You read too much into it yes.

It's just a parallel between reason and desire. Man, this just hit too close to home, I'll cry myself to sleep... best character in the comic is the artist
Posted on 11 July 2022, 10:18 by:   Anonynmous    PM
Score +18
@asdfest Sir, this is a porn site: please touch grass.

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