I'm really not a big fan of this character as she is presented in the movies. Her character is standard mary sue shit, and is given everything while earning nothing Her DESIGN, however, is pretty good, and I will happy crank my cock to it.
I loved Force Awakens and I think they did a good job with writing her in the comics that came out right after. But even though I was finally happy to have more women main characters in Star Wars, I found it hard to defend her after the Last Jedi, and with Rise of Skywalker it makes me sad to admit that yes, she really did become a Mary Sue. Star Wars let me down even more with how they treated Captain Phasma. And Finn was treated horribly too. And Rose. And Leia. And I guess Luke too. And Chewie. And Threepio. And Admiral Ackbar. And wow. The more I think about it the more of a mess the movies are.
Even though you might not enjoy the Disney Star Wars era and the projects they've put forth since their acquisition of Lucasfilm, rest assured that no matter what (be it great storytelling or utter crap) there will ALWAYS be hentai/porn of the medium.
In the end, R34/hentai/porn truly is the only reliable artform for our sick twisted fantasies.