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(Kawahagitei English) Futanari Hay Fever Girl's Uterus Is A Crowded Train, Sperm Congestion Rate 400%

Artist CG
Posted:2022-09-15 14:44
Visible:No (Replaced)
Language:English  TR
File Size:137.4 MiB
Length:49 pages
Favorited:908 times
Average: 2.90

There are newer versions of this gallery available:

[Kawahagitei] Futanari Kafunshou - Shoujo no Shikyuu wa Manin Densha, Seishi Konzatsuritsu 400% | Futanari Hay Fever Girl's Uterus Is A Crowded Train, Sperm Congestion Rate 400% [English], added 2022-09-15 16:47

Showing 41 - 49 of 49 images

Posted on 15 September 2022, 14:44 by:   Synwastaken    PM
Uploader Comment
I personally translated this lewd comic, am halve way done now.
It has been translated using google translate and then me enterperting the text.
So it could be more accurate. Last 50 pages will be uploaded later.
Posted on 15 September 2022, 14:54 by:   Scumbini    PM
Score +718
>It has been translated using google translate

Words that cause pain upon reading.
Posted on 15 September 2022, 15:00 by:   catpetter69    PM
Score +211
damn u "enterperted" the hell outta this text, I can understand everything so clearly
Posted on 15 September 2022, 15:17 by:   william514e    PM
Score +209
You know, people wouldn't have mind the MTL so much if you bothered to change things around to sounds more natural. Or at the very least, attempt to translate and upload the whole thing at once.
Posted on 15 September 2022, 16:16 by:   VetoHunter    PM
Score +306
>New Kawahagitei TL
>It's MTL with really bad typesetting
i fucking sleep

you people are going to make me scream
you know, my japanese is not that great but it is good enough for me to slowly read this stuff in JPN
i am also decent at typesetting- not professional by any means but i am competent. but i still don't post stuff on here because it's going to take time i don't always have, and it's going to take skill that i definitely do not yet have.

So what makes you think that the sloppily typeset MTL you cooked up in two days is anything worth posting? Even the stuff I keep for personal use I make sure I typeset properly and even then I refuse to post it because I know my Japanese is not that good. It's not 2009 we have access to way more resources now, why settle on Google Translate and MS Paint?

You can't even call it interpretation if you're just tweaking the machine translated text to make more sense because *you don't even understand the original text*. Even if you make the English read more comprehensibly you will likely just be furthering a mistranslation and have no idea you are even doing so.

Goddamn. I really can't get any EN translated futanari without paying for it myself can I? Like a solid third of everything on here I like I've had to pay for myself or had to just read on my own. Stop getting me excited just for me to open the gallery and see this bullshit lmao
Posted on 15 September 2022, 16:55 by:   lurphysmaw    PM
Score +47
The only things larger than her cock are the ridiculously poorly-optimized text box on the first few pages.
Posted on 15 September 2022, 17:07 by:   Mourqe31    PM
Score +38
Page 75 is simply incredible.
Posted on 15 September 2022, 19:29 by:   MJTH    PM
Score +123
I generally don't like criticising MTL uploads. Whilst 9 times out of 10 they're not as good as a proper translation, I at least appreciate it if there has been effort put in. If you've done a machine translate then gone through and done couple read throughs to improve punctuation and grammar then I can accept it. It's true that a good chunk of the language nuance is lost in an MTL, but for a lot of people who don't speak or read Japanese it's still preferable to not being able to read the work at all.

But when it comes to badly typesetted work, it's always disappointing to see it. Partly because I've done re-typesetting in the past/ am currently in the middle of typesetting a piece to upload here. But mostly because it's just ugly. Yeah, sure it's "just porn", but poor typesetting takes away from the quality of the original art. It's true that it's very hard to fit English text into speech bubbles made for Japanese, but in such a case I have two pieces of advice:

1) If you can't fit the text into the bubbles, try to use the RAWs and apply new speech bubbles into a similar position that gives better space for English text. Even if it's just a box, as long as it's positioned correctly/ tastefully and doesn't cover up the main focal point of the work then that's a good starting point. Using transparency along with well defined borders are good ideas for text boxes/ bubbles as well. There are a lot more techniques you can do as well and it's worth researching.

2) If you don't have access to RAWs or are adamant on using the original bubbles then looking at examples from other translators works can be a good as well. Fortunately, this site is one of the largest repositories of translated works around. For Kawahagitei in particular, MistaLOD has been doing great work recently in this regard. One of his techniques is to use dashes "-" in longer words and only have one word per line at times. This way he can better fit the text to the bubble and he can afford to use larger fonts, which improves legibility.

Doing a translate and typeset job unfortunately takes a lot of time and effort. It's sad that it can't be done quick; but if it's worth doing, then it's worth doing right. Sorry if this sounds too critical since as you mentioned this is your first attempt, but I just wanted to give my two cents.
Last edited on 15 September 2022, 20:41.
Posted on 15 September 2022, 20:38 by:   VetoHunter    PM
Score +53
i'd feel the same way but we don't have to settle for crumbs anymore lol

there's skilled translators who are willing to work and would appreciate the pay but the deepL brigade shows up with this noise and it convinces people that it's good enough so why bother commissioning a real translation?

i feel like it is worth it to be harsh because i do not want this to become considered acceptable, not in 2022 where you can paypal guys to get shit translated, typeset and decensored and have it look so good you wish the artist would just commission them on their own
Posted on 15 September 2022, 22:02 by:   Dycraxis    PM
Score +44
For a "Passion project" you didn't do much, just some google translate and MSPaint.

Well, now that you butchered the CG set and any chances of this being translated I actually feel motivated to learn the language on my own.
Thanks I guess.
Posted on 15 September 2022, 22:45 by:   MedHetz    PM
Score +60
I'm all for putting in your free time and passion into translation and typesetting an NSFW work I do it myself! but when it's your first time translating and typesetting I REALLY advice not to upload it online since I for one am all for more Kawahagitei content in English but when it's presented this poorly I can't help but to dislike it...

I don't want anyone to stop translating just because they use machine translation or get some mean comments on the internet but when it's this poor quality just keep it for yourself and work on some smaller translation projects it's quite fun and when it's of high enough quality upload it! But in this state it's like a game coming out as an alpha version...
Posted on 16 September 2022, 00:47 by:   Epideme    PM
Score +24
2 of his works butchered in a few weeks, really unlucky. Are you the same guy that did the other one?
Posted on 16 September 2022, 03:26 by:   ZimZamster    PM
Score +39
Page 75 broke me, but “No buddies complaining let’s get lunch” is the gem of this machine translation.
Posted on 16 September 2022, 12:53 by:   SomeUne    PM
Score +12
you suck ass, never mtl again
Posted on 16 September 2022, 18:49 by:   Rek_kaZ    PM
Score -11
Ayyo.. good first time.. keep your passion up. I cheer you from here.
Posted on 16 September 2022, 19:16 by:   therandomshit    PM
Score +32
"Futanari Hay Fever Girl's Uterus Is A Crowded Train, Sperm Congestion Rate 400%"

"They are indeed breeding in the name of the law stop!!"

Dude just stop. If you want to practice translating, do it in your own time not ours.
Posted on 17 September 2022, 13:04 by:   dreblu984    PM
Score +43
When are getting the "machine translation" tag? It's annoying when this happen and we can't immediately tag them "rough translation" tag or something like that
Posted on 17 September 2022, 13:35 by:   Walschyboy    PM
Score +56
How about a criticism and a tip!

I think this translation gives the basic gist of what is going on, but it fails to properly explore the whole scenario occurring in the text. I've done some personal translations myself and I know the Futanari Hay Fever series uses a number of references to plant biology throughout. This clearly was not in your final work.

When doing machine translation (because not everyone has time to learn a full language and you really need to know) I like to use at least 2 sources. Where they agree, I generally find the translation is passable. When they have very different meanings, I begin by breaking down the parts and the kanji when I can to weasel out what the individual parts are. This usually works, but it isn't a 100% thing. I would also enjoy it if an editing pass was made. Many sentences do not read as English, so I assume that it is not your first language. If you don't have a clear understanding of either language in a scenario, make sure you have a solid grasp of at least 1!

In the end, I appreciate your effort, but I am a bit disappointed by the lack of follow up and clean up. What I recommend trying is translating something that has already been translated and comparing your work as I have found it immensely helpful.
Posted on 20 September 2022, 02:09 by:   subilial    PM
Score -35
Should say that it has 2 pages instead of 99 because lesbianist here, it just has 2 pages.
Posted on 21 January 2023, 20:07 by:   MistaLOD    PM
Score +12
If you’re going to use MTL, at the VERY LEAST put some effort into making the sentences readable. There should be some space between the borders and the text, it should be mostly centered. Find a better font, as well. If you use an all-caps, it’s easier, but I personally use Wurper Regular (from the internet).

When you’re translating something, make sure that there aren’t any double meanings to words that you might be missing. If there are puns, idioms, or jokes, you need to be creative in translating those to English so you can keep the original meaning.

Use dictionaries. Real dictionaries. Jisho is a good one.

I know I get flak for my MTLs, but people enjoy them because I actually put in the effort required to make up for it.



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