Posted on 07 October 2022, 20:18 by:
Buster D. Base +28, fatman18 +6, sigo8 +30, mdr33flame -7, Grimrabbit -8, FappingToTheBeat +6, ruy -7, hrogii -12, Simply-Neutral +8, fangabba -3, WhoBeMe -7, Seiya88 -6, Neonmane -7, and 9 more...
Base +17, mdr33flame +7, Qwertius +12, WhoBeMe +7, fangabba +3, Optiacku +6, d_reaper +8, Finbastard +6, Interficere +6, a84 +6, Whorny +8, LunaCat +6, Lomped +6, and 2 more...
Posted on 21 July 2021, 15:45 by:
Fenrir_1 Score
Base +7, Batty4588 +5, dududude +9, Grimrabbit +8, Hkaa +6, fatman18 -6, Lomped +6, Hatsvasi +6, ziggyb -7, Harvest13 +7, Zedon0007 +8, Someone54 +6
Base +6, Animist +6, Unholyhub +7, KnightBloodZero +6, happyman379 +6, Finbastard +6, Whorny +8, Neithxrey +5, e-Kei t. BLy +6, Riyu1940 +9
Base +28, justlookingforporn -6, Qwertius +12, Simply-Neutral +8, Screaming Goat OZ -6, WhoBeMe -7, Seiya88 -6, Hkaa -6, Grimrabbit -8, Interficere -6, glitterhame -6, semen_demen -6, dmnrcr -5, and 9 more...
Base +4, Anonimbros +7, argentlupus +9, justlookingforporn +6, Batty4588 +5, Animist +6, Unholyhub +7, ruy +7, hankdruin +6, WhoBeMe +7, Simply-Neutral +8, bekkavald +6, KnightBloodZero +6, and 14 more...
Base +7, justlookingforporn +6, bekkavald -6, s874 +6, isaidnothing +9, budgieboi +6, unicorn901 +7, Wubsvik +6, UnrealFox +7, WhoBeMe +7, TheCaptainX96 +6, Kaleidoskop +6, Finbastard +6, and 1 more...
Posted on 22 August 2021, 12:11 by:
memmoma Score
Base +6, DogeMai +6, hankdruin +6, Animist +6, bekkavald +6, WhoBeMe +7, KnightBloodZero +6, Simply-Neutral +8, s874 +6, Cat2323 +4, Harvest13 +7, mdr33flame +7, UnrealFox +7, and 3 more...
Base +6, Batty4588 -5, Lady-Akane -6, Animist -6, bekkavald -6, dreamzzz -6, BenCoon -6, Cat2323 -4, KnightBloodZero -6, s874 -6, Iron_HEAD -6, WoD -7, fangabba -3, and 5 more...
Posted on 30 August 2021, 09:06 by:
Derra Score
Base +6, snozledozle -6, Harvest13 -7, fuckyoudmc -6, pikachu5 -6, bekkavald -6, Batty4588 -5, dreamzzz -6, BenCoon -6, Lady-Akane -6, KnightBloodZero -6, Spectral_Warrior -6, WoD -7, and 10 more...
Base +6, bekkavald -6, Screaming Goat OZ -6, s874 -6, Meninas McAllon +6, Lady-Akane -6, WoD -7, fangabba -3, KnightBloodZero -6, semen_demen +6, wiltyfag +6, TK-4117 -7, Hatsvasi -6, and 8 more...
Posted on 12 September 2021, 05:52 by:
Bookrat15 Score
Base +6, Lady-Akane +6, Harvest13 +7, Batty4588 +5, s874 +6, mdr33flame +7, WoD +7, UnrealFox +7, GentlemanCat +6, WhoBeMe +7, KnightBloodZero +6, Werefoofle +6, hankdruin +6, and 6 more...
Posted on 21 September 2021, 08:31 by:
sigfriedo Score
Base +6, Animist +6, mdr33flame +7, Werefoofle +6, Optiacku +6, Wubsvik +6, unicorn901 +7, WhoBeMe +7, TheCaptainX96 +6, pikachu5 +6, dududude +9, Vass +6, Harvest13 +7, and 9 more...
Base +12, Lady-Akane +6, WoD +7, mdr33flame +7, Animist +6, Finbastard +6, DogeMai +6
Base +6, Batty4588 +5, Lady-Akane +6, WoD +7, s874 +6, mdr33flame +7, BenCoon +6, Wubsvik +6, WhoBeMe +7, KnightBloodZero +6, Harvest13 +7, Finbastard +6, Grimrabbit +8, and 16 more...
Posted on 27 October 2021, 20:10 by:
ringorm Score
Base +6, dududude +9, looseseal -3, Batty4588 -5, TK-4117 -7, Lady-Akane -6, WoD -7, InterestingCombo -6, Harvest13 -7, GentlemanCat -6, Werefoofle -6, paos1 -6, GabrielKnight -6, and 6 more...
Base +6, bronzeage -6, Werefoofle -6, Unholyhub -7, Harvest13 -7, Lady-Akane -6, WoD -7, s874 -6, Cyril the Otter +6, jumbogun +6, MyBD -5, DahSpanker -6
Posted on 21 January 2022, 09:51 by:
sigfriedo Score
Base +6, Lady-Akane +6, WoD +7, Wubsvik +6, Animist +6, WhoBeMe +7, Someone54 +6, e-Kei t. BLy +6, Riyu1940 +9
Posted on 22 January 2022, 21:23 by:
noxfeur Score
Base +6, s874 -6, DahSpanker -6, Cyril the Otter +6, jumbogun +6, Riyu1940 +9
Base +7, Finbastard +6, WoD +7, s874 +6, WhoBeMe +7, Hatsvasi +6
Base +21, shrö +6, Cat2323 +4, s874 +6, Wubsvik +6, WhoBeMe +7, WoD +7, Hatsvasi +6
Posted on 16 February 2022, 14:41 by:
Pechallai Score
Base +6, shrö +6, Finbastard +6, s874 +6, Wubsvik +6, WhoBeMe +7, WoD +7, Hatsvasi +6, Batty4588 -6
Posted on 20 February 2022, 00:16 by:
sigfriedo Score
Base +6, Finbastard +6, SapphireScorpio +6, unicorn901 +7, s874 +6, Wubsvik +6, Harvest13 +7, Fallen_Trade +6, Shaderfoxen +6, Lady-Akane +6, WhoBeMe +7, Monochrome Trouble +18
Base +6, Finbastard +6, Wubsvik +6, s874 -6
Base +6, Lady-Akane +6, JobaLipe +4, s874 +6, Finbastard +6, unicorn901 +7, Cat2323 +5, Werefoofle +6, WhoBeMe +7
Posted on 03 March 2022, 22:57 by:
WolfWay Score
Base +7, Anão +6, Cat2323 +5
Base +7, Finbastard +6, wiltyfag +6, Lady-Akane +6, Jaydbayd +6, unicorn901 +7, dududude +9, DerpaVisHI +6, ShineBright +6, s874 +6, Cat2323 +5, Wubsvik +6, Werefoofle +6, and 8 more...
Base +6, jpzineo +6, s874 +6, Cat2323 +5, Wubsvik +6, Werefoofle +6, Hatsvasi +6, Lady-Akane +6, unicorn901 +7, Finbastard +6, WhoBeMe +7, GabrielKnight +6
Base +4, Werefoofle +6, Cat2323 +5, Harvest13 +7, Gomi500 +6
Base +4, pikachu5 +6, Animist +6, s874 +6, Lady-Akane +6, WoD +7, Cat2323 +5, Harvest13 +7, WhoBeMe +7, Gomi500 +6
Base +3, s874 -6, WoD -7, dmnrcr -5, Harvest13 -7, Animist -6, happyman379 -6, thincrisp +2, Werefoofle -6, Cyril the Otter +6, nico2927 -6, MyBD -5, DahSpanker -6
Base +2, dmnrcr -5, Harvest13 -7, wiltyfag +6, s874 -6, Gomi500 -6, happyman379 -6, Werefoofle -6, FloMagol +6, jumbogun +6, DahSpanker -6
Base +21, WoD +7, Lady-Akane +6, Wubsvik +6, Animist +6, unicorn901 +7, Werefoofle +6, Harvest13 +7, Bloobania +7, WhoBeMe +7, Comicguy455 +6
Base +12, Lady-Akane +6, Unholyhub +7, Cat2323 +5, WoD +7, Harvest13 +7, unicorn901 +7, Finbastard +6, Wubsvik +6, Werefoofle +6, WhoBeMe +7
Posted on 03 July 2022, 17:39 by:
McNasty Score
Base +6, e-Kei t. BLy +6
Base +6, Finbastard +6, Cat2323 +5, Werefoofle +6, WoD +7, Whorny +8, WhoBeMe +7, Noxmare +6, Someone54 +6
Base +5, Cat2323 +5, Werefoofle +6, Finbastard +6, WoD +7, WhoBeMe +7, Krageneidechse +6, Qwertius +17, e-Kei t. BLy +6
Base +6, Cat2323 +5, WoD +7, WhoBeMe +7, Finbastard +6, Someone54 +6
Posted on 30 July 2022, 05:17 by:
123h321 Score
Base +6, Lady-Akane +6, WoD +7, Hatsvasi +6, WhoBeMe +7, Cat2323 +5, Finbastard +6, Drakhesh +6, ziggyb -7
Base +5, Lady-Akane +6, Finbastard +6, WoD +7, WhoBeMe +7, s874 +6, Krageneidechse +6, Cat2323 +5, puzzlingtons +6, Qwertius +17
Base +6, dreamzzz -6, Harvest13 -7, Hatsvasi -6, WoD -7, Lady-Akane -6, TheCatman-Meow -6, Drakhesh -6, s874 -6, Krageneidechse -6, Cyril the Otter -6, jumbogun +6, paos1 -6, and 2 more...
Posted on 08 October 2022, 00:56 by:
byakkoya Score
Base +6, Lady-Akane +6, Hatsvasi +6, yankeeboy27 +6, Someone54 +6, LeafyIsNotHere +6, e-Kei t. BLy +6, Monochrome Trouble +18
Base +6, Lady-Akane +6, Qwertius +17, WoD +7, Iron_HEAD +6, Someone54 +6, e-Kei t. BLy +6
Posted on 08 October 2022, 06:21 by:
123h321 Score
Base +6, puzzlingtons +6, SapphireScorpio +6, Lady-Akane +6, Cat2323 +5, Hatsvasi +6, nico2927 +6, Qwertius +17, WoD +7, Harvest13 +7, drbobcat +6, fernendoff +8, Someone54 +6, and 1 more...
Posted on 04 November 2022, 03:34 by:
Gilles25 Score
Base +6
Posted on 23 November 2022, 05:19 by:
auser3089 Score
Base +6, ziggyb -7, Doggie Horsie +6, drbobcat +6, fernendoff +8, Harvest13 +7, Someone54 +6, LeafyIsNotHere -6, e-Kei t. BLy +6, Monochrome Trouble -18, Memhave +6