Posted on 11 December 2022, 17:16 by:
Franka Score
Base +13, rambo voller +26, ul-hap -8, DarthBodya +6, Teigi -6, zerostormrage -6, NightShaver +6, Deviane +6, Garfieldx -6, anonimus47 -7, qwitch -5, rupture2354 -7, Exham +6, and 15 more...
Base +7, ul-hap +8, Sodogemuchwow +6, zerostormrage +6, NightShaver -6, Maciste -6, Orelan +6, Petyaxdd +6, Deviane +6, hereforthecosplay +4, ERROR 404 +13, Garfieldx +6, syndra_is_cute +6, and 16 more...
Base +15, ul-hap +8, Sodogemuchwow +6, NightShaver -6, 7245128 +7, rawrgb +10, Deviane -6, ERROR 404 +13, Garfieldx +6, anonimus47 -7, quitetanky +17, xxlover27 +6, qwitch +5, and 9 more...
Base +4, rawrgb +10, ERROR 404 +13, Garfieldx +6, xxlover27 +6, qwitch +5, rupture2354 +7, Exham +6, rafalwojaczek +6, Gridlynk +6, rilistir -6, MisterReaper +7, notalone -7, and 4 more...
Base +4, Deviane +6, ERROR 404 +13, Garfieldx +6, xxlover27 +6, mykal73 +5, qwitch -5, MT_Silver +6, Exham +6, JMC1 +6, rilistir -6, ul-hap +8, MisterReaper +7, and 6 more...
Posted on 09 January 2023, 22:21 by:
redmoth Score
Base +7, Kwaq +6, Liquid_Joe +4