Chichi needs some spending money, so she sets out to get a job and falls into a trap. She's been stuck in a baby crib and can't move a muscle! And why does everyone seem to think she's a real baby?
Oh no! A storm of tickling is about to rain down on the poor, trapped girl! What can she do? How ticklish is she, anyway?
Posted on 29 December 2022, 15:26 by: fakehuman896
Score +34
120 pages of the same image with minor changes. Font becomes visually grating after a while, especially when the typesetting has dialogue poorly aligned and sometimes going outside the speech bubbles. And the cherry on top, writing in "*smirk*" like you're some creepy RP-nerd when you're using a medium that can show a smirk, just draw the character smirking, the only thing that changed throughout this entire thing is facial expressions and you STILL felt like that was so poorly done that you needed to verbally emote it like an xD UwU scene kid in the Myspace era.