Noticing a trend that apparently it's too much nowadays to even have a premise as to why these girls are bigger than the guys. It's like "what more do you want they're big girls just fap you heathen"
I actually like there to be at least some story or explanation as to why. Otherwise it's kinda just like, ok cool, but why tho? Idk, a coherent story/reasoning for events just makes the fap better, not worse.
Personally though, the guys being pathetic in this type of stuff is a bit of a boner killer. Like, I get it, it just doesn't do anything for me at all. Instead, I prefer the guys to be ...excellent (or at least decent) examples of human anatomy, the women just moreso. The best is when a guy ends up sexually 'conquering' a mountain of a woman much bigger than himself, and/or when the power dynamic is flexible/shifting rather that just complete femdom.
Plus, at least a touch of realism can go a long way instead of going all-in on the fetish. Well, all-in is cool too, but the balance that a bit of realism brings makes it better imo because it pokes it's head out of the pure fiction territory that way (which makes it hotter, again, imo), and you don't have to suspend your sense of disbelief as much.