Posted on 28 July 2020, 17:58 by:
hades666 Score
Base +6, Amacar123 -6, Raiya95 -5, BungeeLove +7, z3r0d34d64 -6, Chesswik +4, theCircle57 +16, skenver +6, Minaroto +13, overshown1994 +6, Goblin_Slayer_Jr. -11, tadpolegaming +6, raven24 +6, and 17 more...
Posted on 25 September 2020, 03:15 by:
Tjking10 Score
Base +5, Punisher_Born -6, Minaroto +13, Chesswik -4, wonderbread08 +6, crescentlegion +6, bass915 +7, mofalcon +6, Shellstrom -10, Knoloa +8, devald +6, Corramel +6, giga3000 -6, and 12 more...
Base +6, pariahaz +7, 09h +6, Raorao -9, predator1337 +9, overshown1994 +6, thangio +6, wonderbread08 -6, Punisher_Born +6, ToniHD +15, Amacar123 +6, 188Kasrkin +6, DracoXero4 +6, and 139 more...
Posted on 03 October 2020, 01:22 by:
Draghal Score
Base +6, Punisher_Born +6, MADARA-TAKA2 +6, mofalcon +6, giga3000 +6, randomthe -6, riskyblueballs +6, genyatus +7, karasu1 -8, HabaneroJim +13, LycraPawn +7, AlexanderAkai +6, Excel2 +5, and 7 more...
Posted on 03 October 2020, 06:05 by:
smarty358 Score
Base +6, Punisher_Born +6, MADARA-TAKA2 +6, sdb101 +6, Ayasesama -7, Raiya95 +6, tangho +8, devald +6, overshown1994 +6, NightWolf97 -6, giga3000 +6, hrrly -7, DellDELLER +6, and 60 more...
Base +6, Punisher_Born +6, Raiya95 +6, mmorales7 +7, giga3000 +6, DellDELLER +6, Raorao -9, C4th0de +8, daman11 -6, tadpolegaming +6, AnimeLov3rxXx +10, Redrider -6, riskyblueballs +6, and 28 more...
Posted on 14 October 2020, 06:19 by:
derpnoo Score
Base +7, MADARA-TAKA2 +6, Punisher_Born +6, ToniHD +15, Amacar123 +6, sdb101 +6, Ayasesama -7, kaalsu -8, devald +6, Expidious +6, mofalcon +6, niobethatgirl +2, EnricoVIII +6, and 86 more...
Last edited on 19 January 2021, 08:08.
Base +37, Punisher_Born +6, rambo voller +20, alllifeinfate +6, Lagmeme +11, Faux Shizzle +6, DIGSS -6
Posted on 01 January 2021, 06:41 by:
AK_ULT Score
Last edited on 01 January 2021, 21:07.
Base +6, riskyblueballs -6, 余裕年 +6, CacusBelli +6, kuma-demon +9, Faux Shizzle +6, 八怜奈 +5, yr1992129 +6, Sebastian796 +1
Base +1, tadpolegaming +6, TiberNation +5, AtariDragon +5, Millennial +7, zombi007 +6, crescentlegion +6, genyatus -7, yoraruy +4, smillz999 +7, HabaneroJim +13, timing -28, Phong0401 +5, and 29 more...
Posted on 22 January 2021, 16:04 by:
toasty56 Score
Base +6, AnimeLov3rxXx +10, raven24 +6, riskyblueballs +6, redfraction +6, randomthe -6, giga3000 +6, Smenk1 +6, Redrider -6, caelumaurius +4, Mistermd +6, rendyam -12, genyatus +7, and 77 more...
Posted on 23 January 2021, 14:52 by:
Rabaa Score
Base +7, badface +6, diego341 +6, randomthe +6, crescentlegion +6, Redrider +6, rendyam +12, riskyblueballs +6, genyatus -7, PlayBoi Tiffany +5, Wangerman +6, yoraruy +4, buddfudder +5, and 52 more...
Posted on 24 January 2021, 06:13 by:
toasty56 Score
Base +6, redfraction +6, randomthe -6, giga3000 +6, crescentlegion -6, Smenk1 +6, Flare_SMT +6, rendyam -12, riskyblueballs +6, diego341 +6, genyatus +7, cacatel +6, love_is_over -6, and 70 more...
Base +6, crescentlegion +6, rendyam +12, diego341 +6, PlayBoi Tiffany +5, tadpolegaming +7, kuma-demon +9, Faux Shizzle +6, TFCaliel +4, saegull123 +18, justamutt +8, PVRAMXDS +6, Sakisucc +6, and 3 more...
Base +8, randomthe +6, crescentlegion +6, rendyam +12, diego341 +6, pollaco -11, FessBC -7, riskyblueballs -6, Goremachine -6, Unyltyan -7, kuma-demon +9, Faux Shizzle +6, saegull123 +18, and 3 more...
Posted on 24 February 2021, 00:14 by:
Marien Score
Base +25, cacatel +6, AvalonSummit +8, tadpolegaming +7, wonderbread08 +6, Excel2 +5, Faux Shizzle +6, AnimeLov3rxXx -11
Base +6, FessBC -7, tadpolegaming -7, Excel2 +5, Faux Shizzle +6, Joklet +6, saegull123 +18, AnimeLov3rxXx -11, macanudo8 +6, racevel +10
Posted on 08 March 2021, 23:57 by:
Ricchi Score
Base +5, hekfall +6, LycraPawn +7, Darut -6, tadpolegaming +7, stop rocks +4, MadYak +6, genyatus +7, qwiql +6, kenabrxg -19, Unyltyan +7, XzeroXTribe +8, Shemmy +6, and 16 more...
Posted on 11 March 2021, 06:09 by:
UpurS Score
Base +9, Cinissh +6, Excel2 +5, Faux Shizzle +6, AnimeLov3rxXx -11
Base +40, HabaneroJim +13, FessBC -7, tadpolegaming +7, riskyblueballs -6, anon120498 +7, Lagmeme +11, fish80330 +6, Excel2 +5, Faux Shizzle +6, Joklet +6, saegull123 +18, AnimeLov3rxXx -11, and 3 more...
Base +4, XzeroXTribe +8, LycraPawn +7, crescentlegion +6, asurastrkr +6, riskyblueballs +6, dislplayname13 +13, qwiql +6, Jin.H. -11, BUTTBUDDY +6, fish80330 +6, Excel2 +5, Faux Shizzle -6, and 11 more...
Base +15, HabaneroJim +13, tadpolegaming +7, riskyblueballs -6, kuma-demon +9, Faux Shizzle +6, Finseth -7
Posted on 19 March 2021, 08:10 by:
Aa131211 Score
Base +6, FessBC +7, WandereRaiden9000 +6, gexxx1 +6, tadpolegaming +7, crescentlegion -6, Bangin +4, ElizaNines +4, wiccandude +1, riskyblueballs +6, stop rocks +4, Goremachine +6, genyatus +7, and 46 more...
Base +6, crescentlegion -6, DollButton +6, ElizaNines +4, hekfall +6, devald +6, riskyblueballs +6, stop rocks +4, overshown1994 +6, Sea47r +5, DerTraurigePanda -8, Goremachine +6, Undercity4 +5, and 58 more...
Posted on 29 March 2021, 08:12 by:
xzw233 Score
Base +6, KELKsan +6, kuma-demon +9, yr1992129 +6
Base +7, Bangin -4, wonderbread08 +6, lienaddaniel +7, cakeater +6, Nyano +6, Jin.H. -11, Excel2 +5, Amerc +6, spare31 +7, cl7 -6, Joklet +6, saegull123 +18, and 8 more...
Posted on 16 May 2021, 14:50 by:
Bojoe Score
Base +7, Nyano -6, Madatin +8, devald +6, Redrider -6, anon120498 +7, Jin.H. +11, RARmaster +7, blararag +6, LycraPawn +7, giga3000 +6, Luke78 +12, Lagmeme +11, and 19 more...
Base +5, whitexwhite -3, XzeroXTribe +8, Amacar123 +6, waterBe5 +6, Alex.Ma +6, justamutt -8
Base +6, giga3000 +6, Luke78 +12, AlexanderAkai +6, Excel2 -5, devald +6, CZRSNK +5, CacusBelli +6, VoidStar46 +6, arnoldfarnold +1, kuma-demon -9, MADARA-TAKA2 +6, canabush +7, and 17 more...
Posted on 30 June 2021, 12:48 by:
gjdosyou Score
Base +3, hds555 +6, bujimuz +6, kuma-demon +9, Faux Shizzle +6, mxz606 +2, 天堂最瘦 +6, 13sakuya +6, dark rider van +7, lianxinsuo +6, yr1992129 +6, nslfo +6, jiecaozjz +6, and 8 more...
Posted on 22 July 2021, 06:43 by:
bvstir Score
Base +5, hds555 +6, bujimuz +6, 96Kshatriya +6, bjuggm +4, Xzzzzzzz +6, 13sakuya +6, 若灵雪 +1, dark rider van +7, cxk233333 +5, yr1992129 +6, waterBe5 +6, jiecaozjz +6, and 3 more...
Posted on 22 July 2021, 16:17 by:
ztvu Score
Base +6, Xzzzzzzz +6, 天堂最瘦 +6, 13sakuya +6, 若灵雪 +1, dark rider van +7, xiezuminhe +4, cxk233333 +5, yr1992129 +6, nslfo +6, waterBe5 +6, jiecaozjz +6, CDGTB -6, and 6 more...
Posted on 23 July 2021, 08:18 by:
AK504 Score
Base +3, cl7 -6, kuma-demon +9, devald -6, Faux Shizzle +6, Amacar123 -6, S@LT33 -6, saegull123 +18, hibarichrome +7, OogaChaka +6, Nastassja Scott +6, Mister X000 -6, AnimeLov3rxXx -11, and 7 more...
Posted on 21 September 2021, 01:46 by:
B.J.izzle Score
Base +6, saegull123 +18, hibarichrome +7, Bangin -5, Amacar123 -6, shadowwall456 +7, OogaChaka +6, ikasan111 +6, xironxknightx -7, Lujei Piche +14, Nastassja Scott +6, RepiL +6, Zagbab -6, and 26 more...
Posted on 21 September 2021, 12:25 by:
JDaniels Score
Base +6, saegull123 +18, johnwest -5, hibarichrome +7, Bangin -5, Amacar123 -6, love_is_over +6, OogaChaka +6, Amerc +6, xironxknightx -7, whitexwhite +4, Nastassja Scott +6, UndergroundOwl -2, and 27 more...
Posted on 06 October 2021, 08:07 by:
z7572143z Score
Base +6, 2020-12-13 +4, lianxinsuo +6, Gelato +6, joyfan2020 +2, 黄金胖次 +6, yr1992129 +6, nslfo +6, waterBe5 +6, luminou +8, Kanate +6, szyscw +6, Rookie3131 +6, and 13 more...
Posted on 22 October 2021, 01:50 by:
C h a n Score
Last edited on 03 November 2021, 04:24.
Base +11, shadowwall456 -7, OogaChaka +6, xironxknightx -7, whitexwhite +4, Nastassja Scott +6, UndergroundOwl -2, Zagbab -6, A Sad Dance -7, AnonAB -6, love_is_over +6, macanudo8 +6, Qwertius +16, and 14 more...
Base +6, 至臻宝 +4, yr1992129 +6, nslfo +6, waterBe5 +6, Kanate +6, 王老道 +6, doso1110 -6, ccs5ez +5, huichaowei1 +6, 米娜桑ぁ +5, jiecaozjz +6, LazerJoe -6, and 13 more...
Posted on 03 April 2022, 04:39 by:
czg321 Score
Base +6, waterBe5 +6, fake♂ +6, @rrrr +6
Last edited on 13 April 2022, 11:06.
Base +6, Rookie3131 +6, 开门来的 +6, Bei_rua +6, EEEEEEva -6, dark rider van +9, fake♂ +6, gangsterboy -6, JIN.izzard +6, CDGTB -6, fefliam -6, jerry.xu1999 -6
Posted on 30 April 2022, 14:29 by:
你什么牌子 Score
Base +5, mxz606 +4, Bei_rua +6, MXSJ +5, madravel +3, fake♂ +6, gangsterboy -6, Hyper Muteki Ex-aid +6, Skyicebear +4, superddman +5, RedDragon03 +1
Posted on 01 June 2022, 02:48 by:
pussy69 Score
Base +6, Punisher_Born -6, snpaa +6, PepperoniFloyd +5, OogaChaka -6, Chesswik -6, ntxawg +6, DollButton -6, cl7 -6, gfybu +9, wii800 +7, bob the spartan +6, MrShaDowAnDub +6, and 18 more...
Base +7, nero_imperator -2, Leytin +6, bass915 +7, Lagmeme -12, chipie-OH +7, fefliam +6, DollButton -6, sub senpai -7, justamutt +8
Posted on 24 September 2022, 16:20 by:
s5781731 Score
Base +6,
[email protected] +6,
gangsterboy +6,
jerry.xu1999 +6,
mujisama +5Posted on 14 October 2022, 16:52 by:
aiminrizi Score
Base +5, @rrrr +6, liuyue22028 +6, RedDragon03 +1, mujisama +5
Base +6, chipie-OH -7, SteveMeat -6, fefliam -6, Palaxius -29, Noyas4320 -6, MrShaDowAnDub -6, LunaCat -6, Ingeniousxx +4, justamutt +8
Posted on 09 December 2022, 05:15 by:
Timroom Score
Base +6, fefliam +6, Palaxius -29, serveral -9, sub senpai -7, prokeds +6, MSTallgeese +11, Commandfreak +6, WhiteVox -6, Mourqe31 +7, justamutt +8, TwilightKartman -6, NiceLad312 +6
Posted on 14 February 2023, 23:11 by:
Nerys Score
Base +6, 噶点荡 -6
Base +3, Mr. Ricardo Lu -6, hentftoin -6, DXDCK -6
Posted on 27 February 2023, 18:38 by:
猫科狐狸 Score
Base +6