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[Yokoyama Michiru] Ano Hi no Sensei 4 [Digital]

[横山ミチル] あの日の先生 4 [DL版]

Posted:2023-04-02 09:37
File Size:82.05 MiB
Length:186 pages
Favorited:364 times
Average: 4.40

Showing 41 - 80 of 186 images

Posted on 02 April 2023, 09:52 by:   qaz3654671    PM
Score +18
thank you for the sharing
Posted on 02 April 2023, 19:02 by:   johnsmy    PM
Score +17
Thank you for the upload!!

I know this is an older series, but it feels a little unfinished in some respects. I understand why the guy stabs the old man, but I would like to have seen a little more of his messy life. Is there no side story or anything with what happened with Sumire afterwards? The old man says in Volume 3 that he paid Sumire a lot of money and the kid benefited too, but did he? He watched his mom get fucked in front of him and it appears to have broken him. Just kinda wish the old man died and maybe Sumire too? Feels very unfullfilling with that story line. Great scenes though.
Posted on 02 April 2023, 23:58 by:   nowittycomment    PM
Score +27
The most interesting thing about this work for me has been the complete and utter lack of emotion that Sumire felt towards her son after she fucked him up.
Posted on 03 April 2023, 01:22 by:   johnsmy    PM
Score +44
@nowittycomment - That's why I was so curious about her! She just keeps fucking the dude while her son sits there muttering "I'm sorry" over and over again, and that's the last time we see her! Her son says he's fucked up from it, but since we never see Sumire again I'm left to assume she cut all contact with her son and disappeared? Does she feel no remorse? WTF happened with them? Also why exactly does the old man cover for him? At no point has it been shown as far as I can tell that he's other then an evil piece of shit who destroyed that family with no small amount of glee. So why? Why not get the kid arrested? And really what did happen between Sumire and the old man? He says they broke up, so she left her family for Godlike Old Man dick and then just gets dumped? I wanted to see that just to further try and understand her reasoning? So many questions and I'm not sure why hafl of book two is dedicated to her if that's it other then to show how evil the old man is?
Posted on 07 April 2023, 14:05 by:   kenahamtan    PM
Score +24
Believe this is a compilation of chapters from コミックマグナム. Guess u did not compile in あの日の先生 X (コミックマグナムVol.105) and illustration art to make it look more like the "tank".
Posted on 24 May 2023, 00:16 by:   LazyGuy25    PM
Score +33
This is just a compilation of previous material.

Man i really wanted to see what happened to sumire and her family. The one who stabbed the old man looked a lot like her husband but he is younger so i guess he was the son. They dedicated a lot of screen time for sumire and her family but to no resolution. We also got no confirmation on who phoned sumire and lured her in. I thought it was the teacher but her name is Akiko and the one who called sumire was kyoku.

The least we could have gotten was for the old man to crock but even that didn't happen.

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