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[Whiskeykonkon (Kitsune Beer)] Furyou Shounen ga Mesuochi Shite Kawaii o Yome-san ni naru made ~Konnyaku-Hen~ | A delinquent boy falls for a female and becomes a cute bride-engagement edition- [English]

[ウィスキーこんこん (きつねビール)] 不良少年がメス堕ちしてかわいいお嫁さんになるまで〜婚約編〜 [英訳]

Posted:2023-05-24 19:38
Language:English  TR
File Size:309.1 MiB
Length:207 pages
Favorited:165 times
Average: 2.03

Showing 121 - 160 of 207 images

Posted on 24 May 2023, 19:46 by:   Lolick442    PM
Score +79
Not a bad story, just a horrible translation.
Posted on 24 May 2023, 23:16 by:   rsx205    PM
Score +168
OG: 20〇〇年、とあるフォトスタジオにて
TL: "In the year 20, in a photo studio"
ED: 20XX

OG: えへへ

OG: はーい妹さんいい笑顔だよ〜!お兄ちゃんも笑って!
TL: "Sister, you have a nice smile. ~! !"
ED: he also tells the big brother to smile

OG: この日は七五三で、オレはお袋に連れられて妹と一緒に記念写真を撮りに行ったんだ
TL: "It was July 3, and my mother took me to take a photo with my sister."
ED: it was shichi go san which is a celebration in November for children ages 3, 5, and 7

OG: 何てことはない幼少時の記憶なんだけどなぜか鮮明に覚えている
TL: "I remember it so vividly for some reason"
ED: even though it's just a mundane childhood memory

OG: 何見とんじゃゴラァ!!!
TL: "Look at you!"
ED: he's asking what a passerby is staring at

OG: ひっ、ひいいいぃぃ
TL: "Hey, hey!"
ED: this is the passerby being scared

OG: グラサンに金属バット...に、逃げろ!日下部一真だ!!
TL: "Grassin,metal butt...Run! Kisakabe yizhen mo"
ED: sunglasses and a metal baseball bat. and his name is Kusakabe Kazuma

OG: ちょっとお兄ちゃん!!
TL: "Wrong."
ED: this is just the little sister trying to get his attention

OG: 不良なんて恥ずかしいからやめてって何度も言ってるよね!?
TL: "Bad even if there won't be a me many times blame you.!?"
ED: the little sister is saying she told him to stop being a delinquent because it's embarrassing

OG: 昔はちょっと大声で怒鳴ればえんえん泣いてたくせに最近じゃそうもいかない。
TL: "You used to cry when you yelled a little loud, but these days you can't."
ED: he's reminiscing about when she used to just cry when he yelled back at her

OG: オレがチビだからか?ヒョロいからか?童顔だかちか?なんにせよ腹が立つぜ女にナメられんのはよ
TL: "Because I'm small? Is it because you're starving? Because I'm a little boy? Whatever it is, I'm pissed off when I don't like women."
ED: small/weak/baby faced are the rhetorical questions he asks, and he's upset because women look down on him

OG: てめえに何が分かんだ?ああ!?喧嘩なんて勝てばいんだよ勝てば
TL: "What do you know? Oh!? You need to win a fight"
ED: all that matters is winning fights

OG: 何それカッコわる...
TL: "What's that?"
ED: she also says he's lame

OG: そういうとサヤはスタスタ帰っていった。
TL: "Then saya went back to starsta.
ED: she stomped back home

OG: サヤを、いや、女を完全に下に見ていたこの時のオレがこの後訪れる危機を予測できるはずもなかった。
TL: "When I was watching saya, no, no woman, I couldn't predict the crisis that would come"
ED: he couldn't predict what was about to happen as he looked down on Saya women

OG: タバコを蒸そうが教師もダンマリだ
TL: "I don't care if you smoke or not"
ED: the teachers don't care

OG: まあたまにこういう勇気のあるやつが注意してくることもあるが知ったこっちゃねえ
TL: "Well, sometimes a brave guy like this will warn you, but I don't know."
ED: he doesn't care

OG: 午後はサボって街でひと暴れしてくるか...
TL: "In the afternoon, I'll skip work and go on a rampage in the city..."
ED: skip class

OG: ああ?誰だてめえぶっ殺すぞ
TL: "Oh? I'll kill you!"
ED: he asks who he is first

OG: あはは、サヤちゃんから聞いてた通り威勢だけはいいなまあここじゃなんだし表で話そうか
TL: "Ah, as I heard from saya, the only thing I can do is be energetic"
ED: he's saying Kazuma is brash just like Saya described, and then he says they should talk outside

OG: !?てめえサヤの男か!!上等だタコ表出ろタイマン張りやがれ!!
TL: "!? Wrong. I love you, tako."
ED: he asks if he's Saya's boyfriend and tells him to step outside and fight

OG: あ♡んん♡
TL: "Oh, no!"
ED: these are moans

OG: おん♡この体位♡しゅきい♡おっおっ♡
TL: "This position ♡ sweet♡ oops♡"
ED: she likes this position and she's moaning

OG: それに見ているとこれが性欲の押し付けではなく愛のあるセックスだというのが嫌といぅほど伝わってくる。
TL: "In addition, it is transmitted that it is not the pressing of sexual desire but the sex with love when watching it."
ED: he can tell it's love not lust

OG: オレの前で二人は何度も唇を重ね妹は伺度も甘い嬌声を上げていたなんというか...幸せそうだ..
TL: "They kept their lips in front of me, and my sister kept raising her sweet voice. You look so happy"
ED: they kept kissing

OG: 気づけば童貞のオレはそのAVのような光景に欲情して勃起してしまっていた。
TL: "Before I knew it, I was a virgin and had an erection because of the sight like that 8"
ED: he's saying that seeing the pornlike scene before him made his virgin self hard

OG: ようやく二人のセックスが終わると、俺はジェルで固めた髪を流され、手際良く散髪された。
TL: "When we finally had sex, my gel-hardened hair was washed away and my hair was cut skillfull"
ED: when the other 2 finished having sex

OG: ねえお兄ちゃん。リョウくんと自分をよーく比べてみて?同い年でこの体格差ってありえなくない?
TL: "Hey, oniichan. Why don't you compare yourself to ryo? Isn't that impossible?"
ED: impossible for their bodies to be so different since they are the same age

OG: 妹に言われて鏡を見る。そこには男と女に挟まれて子供みたいな体を震わせている自分がいた。
TL: "I looked in the mirror at my sister's words. I was sandwiched between a man and a woman, shaking my body like a child"
ED: she told him to look in the mirror and when he does he sees himself trembling like a child between the other two

OG: うちってお父さんいなくて男の人お兄ちゃんだけでしょ?私最近まで男ってみんなお兄ちゃんみたいに弱いくせに見栄ばっかり張ってる人たちだって思ってたの。
TL: "My family doesn't have a father, only a man, right? Until recently, I thought that all men were weak like you, but they were just showing off"
ED: she's saying since he's the only male in the house she thought all mean were wimpy like him and just pretending to be manly

OG: でもリョウくんに出会って本当の男を知って分かったの。お兄ちゃんは男じゃないんだって。心は女の子なのに男の肉体に囚われてる可哀想な子なんだ。
TL: "But when I met ryokun, I knew the real man. Oniichan is not a man. Although the heart is a girl, but trapped in the body of a man is a poor child"
ED: she says he's a girl at heart but he's trapped in a male body. and then she takes pity on him (not calling him a poor child trapped in a man's body)

OG: そういうとサヤは洗面台に置いてあった何かの器具のようなものをオレの股間につけ始めた。
TL: "Saya began to put some sort of apparatus on the sink between my legs"
ED: the apparatus was by the sink and then she puts it on his crotch

OG: えーっとタマタマの根っこを固定して...
TL: "Let's see..."
ED: she talks herself through how to put it on her brother

OG: おちんちんをここに入れて、あはっかわいいおちえちん♪これがおまんこに人ってきても分からなさそう笑
TL: "Put your dick in here, oh cute little dick ♪ even if it comes into your pussy, it doesn't seem to understand lol"
ED: she's saying nobody would feel it

OG: ーで、この鍵を閉めれば...あは♡かんせ〜い♡
TL: "And if I close this lock...Ah, thank you"
ED: she doesn't thank anyone, she just announces that she's done

OG: ついでに私が小学生の頃つけてたカチューシャもつけであげるね♡
TL: "I'll also wear the headband I wore when I was in elementary school"
ED: she's giving him her old headband to wear

OG: ジャーン!貞操帯だよ♡お兄ちゃんはオカマとして生きていくんだからおちんちんのことは忘れちゃおーね
TL: "Tada! It's a chastity belt"
ED: missing entire second part of the bubble, they're saying he's going to continue living as a feminine male

OG: お、おかま...?
TL: "Oh, no!?"
ED: he's repeating her words, not saying "oh no!"

OG: ガタガタ
TL: "Power c"
ED: this is sfx

OG: そうオカマ。お兄ちゃんは今日からメスなの。つまり犯される側ってこと♡
TL: "That's right. Oniichan is a scalpel from today on. In other words, it's the side of being raped."
ED: she's saying he's going to be a bottom

OG: あっもしもし叔父さん?この前言ってた雑魚オス明日そっちに行かせても平気?
TL: "Hello, uncle? Is it okay if I let you go there tomorrow?"
ED: he's asking his uncle about bringing this wimpy guy to some place they had previously discussed

OG: 状況が飲み込めないまま男はどこかに電話をかけ始めた。
TL: "Unable to understand the situation, the man began to call somewhere."
ED: while Kazuma was confused the boyfriend was calling someone

OG: あんっ♡そこっ♡
TL: "Huh? There it is!"
ED: she's telling him which spots feel good

OG: クチュ♡クチュ♡
TL: "♪7f07f26"
ED: this is sfx

OG: まあね。愛しの妻たちを可愛がってるとこだよ。明日楽しみにしてるね。
TL: "Yeah. I love my wife. I'm looking forward to tomorrow."
ED: he's saying he's taking care of his lovely wives (plural)

OG: もっ♡あ♡やるしてえ♡
TL: "I'll forgive you"
ED: she's asking him to go easier

OG: メスに対してはとっても紳士な優しい人だから安心して調教してもらってね!
TL: "He is a very gentlemanly and gentle person to the scalpel, so please train him with confidence!"
ED: he says his uncle's gentle towards the women so

OG: はいオスとしての人生しゅーりょー♡変態オカマとしたの人全頑張ってね♡
TL: "Good luck with your life as a pervert."
ED: she also says his life as a man is over

OG: ビクン♡
TL: "en"
ED: this is sfx

OG: 元気でねお兄ちゃん次会う時は女の子だね♡
TL: "Take care, oniichan."
ED: she also says next time they meet he'll be a girl

OG: グスン・・
TL: "Gusushi..."
ED: this is sfx

Posted on 24 May 2023, 23:23 by:   samaran123    PM
Score +138
"my sister turned into a female"
what the fuck was she before?
Posted on 25 May 2023, 03:35 by:   Sarptos    PM
Score +61
ok, I'm not a native English speaker, so sometimes I miss some inconsistencies, but this has a lot of errors, it seems to be translated with an automatic translator, and they didn't even bother to correct the inconsistencies, I'm not saying it's wrong to use it, but, at least, try to make it not have such serious errors.
Posted on 26 May 2023, 23:33 by:   BlackOrion    PM
Score -10
On this guy's defence, nobody seemed to want to work on this or any other stuff Kitsune Beer made, and now we have proper translation of 23 pages thanks to rsx205, at least.
Last edited on 29 May 2023, 01:04.
Posted on 01 June 2023, 18:15 by:   BattleGirl2    PM
Score +3
Posted on 25 July 2024, 04:20 by:   Mr. Buddy    PM
Score +6
Dude they had photos in the year 20? The Romans really were amazing.

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