>>snao(sez).start Rarely I do sketches in this number in a given month, so this sort of thing is... uncommon...
But.. This month, I did numerous sketches...
I am very uncertain of the future of these images.. such as.. which ones will get any sort of continued treatment.
Also, Patreon analytics are reporting more-accurately now. Within the prior 2 weeks of time: Approximately 6% of my traffic originates from Gmail, 12% of my incoming traffic comes from pirate websites. 16% of it comes from Twitter. 17% comes from "other" and 49% comes from Patreon internally. >>snao(sez).no(more)
>>12% of my incoming traffic comes from pirate websites
Oh, hello there! Never mind me - just doing what I can. I understand, though - 12% is a laughably rookie-ish number. Need to drive thouse numbers up, for sure.