1. You need to punctuate. Periods and commas aren't optional. 2. Your narration/thoughts font (not dialogue) is really weird and hard to read. 3. Ellipses are ... not .. or .... Same rule when you combine with other punctuation, i.e ...? ...!
So why did you decide to take all of the porn out of the pornwha? On a porn site no less? Also this series has already been fully translated so it's doubly useless! Congrats!
Posted on 09 September 2023, 18:23 by: KaZe_DaRKWIND
Score +12
Just google Doki Doki Connection
It's already completely done and all 30 chapters are translated. This seems like someone attempting to turn a strip comic into a panel comic. With some VERY questionable decisions about cropping considering this is supposed to be porn.