Whoa. This all looks hand-drawn and colored. If it really is, this is an amazingly good job. Much respect. The semitones are great on some of the black and white images, too. Always vaguely wondered how mangaka would do that "back in the day." I remember Akira Toriyama said in one of the tanks of Dr. Slump that he wasn't a "good" manga artist because he didn't do the screentoning that the really good ones used. And the anatomy is great, too!
Also page 82 reminds me a bit of "katt" from Breath of Fire II. I know it's not her, but now I kind of want to see this artist try her.
Looks like this artist might actually be living in Japan, too, according to their Pixiv profile. If so, is this also a rare Japanese furry artist? Anyway, this is just all-around insanely good.
Base +24, meluvfurry +8, TheGoodGiggle +12, Dramorian +5, DevilsAdvocate +8
"HA! You always let your WOMAN fight your battles for you??" "...Well... yeah? I mean LOOK at her. If she wants to throw a punch at anyone giving me any guff, do I REALLY want to argue?"