Base +35, MutantZombie +6, yupokamusi -8, Steaua_Conte +6
Posted on 08 December 2023, 03:12 by: Redphantom41
Score +9
Bout to nerd out but clark is older then both power girl and supergirl so how dafuq does she get over ssy of clark also she part of a splinter blood shes not jor el shes a zor el so how does she get that final say also kryptonains were a democracy wouldn't her actions be put to a vote or better yet take zod out the fucking phantom zone prison and make a new cell and hide it from her lmmfao sorry that shit kinda rattled my brain especially with the ai being like dont judge her bro
geeze, Fisher just reached for the stars and actually grabbed one.
More seriously, it's rare to see a male lead in a story like this who's actually worth rooting for. Like he's not in the best shape, but he's not troll ugly either. Guy's got some charm to him. Also nice this story's got a heavy romance angle to it. I love unconventional romance stuff so this ticks that box.
Character art feels a little inconsistent at times, with characters looking 10/10 sometimes but only 6/10 others, but Power Girl wearing black eyeliner and black lipstick is my fetish so it is forgiven. I was initiallyintimidated by the 600 pages but each page only has couple lines of dialogue so I blew through it all in under 30 minutes. Would read this author again.
No se si me ha gustado o no, el diseño y la calidad de la imagen es buenísima. Pero la historia se me hace absurdamente larga para lo que llega a ofrecer, aun así hay algunos render que tienen una calidad enorme.