Are you ready? Are you mad inside? Got you strapped down to your seats? Out of the doorway, bullets rip, full clip, God speed, approach, follow my lead! Rumble by U-God (of Wu-Tang Clan)
Part 1: The story starts for real now. And with real starts; comes REAL problems.
Part 2: SEA LION's Nicole Fennuu (& Associates) have an appointment with Kazuya.
Part 3: Mami has a nightmare while Jourin, then Kazuya, visit her in prison.
Part 4: A lesson in what happens to those who try to steal money from those with no jurisdiction.
Part 5: Ruminations, Retaliations, Realizations, and Maxine Balak as that sexy doctor.
Part 5b: Mami Nanami escapes Japan, but not its nightmares. Also Ruby Kurosawa being Jason Todd.