Base +7, goldsprite +7, archmancer8 -6, ADIN0 +6, PurpleSun +7, enoko55 +6, voices in my head +6, marvyn7 +6, qwerty5715 +6, tubo +6
Base +6, goldsprite +7, SkullDraecos +6, ADIN0 +6, Jago Smith +8, Zerassi +6, PurpleSun +7, LaviRoux +6, erikrotsten +6, chorpse002 +12, wjjmykg +6, enoko55 +6, Chaosboy1 +6, and 6 more...
Base +6, goldsprite +7, Jago Smith +8, anon8092354 +4, PurpleSun +7, Moojuice +7, Caerion +6, kema7 +6, Tyrlidd +11, voices in my head +6, marvyn7 +6, The Really Cool Guy +9, ADIN0 +6, and 3 more...
Base +6, goldsprite +7, PurpleSun +7, Darkfade +6, Bubblejum +6, Deep in +6, baneonplane +9, marvyn7 +6, tubo +6
Base +6, Zerassi +6, PurpleSun +7, goldsprite +7, Bubblejum +6, Deep in +6, Larsonik +6, wjjmykg +6, baneonplane +9, Tryndamere95 +21, jayrected +7, sovair11 +6, marvyn7 +6, and 4 more...
Base +7, goldsprite -7, Deep in +6, Berdiche -6, Hismoot -4, chorpse002 -12, kageganon +6, Mrroboto423 -9, Albinoraven -6, Greensteve -6, Gluttubus -6, matmatah -6, Beandipfrito -8, and 3 more...
Base +6, goldsprite +7, Gluttubus +6, marvyn7 +6
Base +3, Clone26 +6, theokayman +6, marvyn7 +6, Auhra +9, V972 +8, Hung Hoe +7
Posted on 07 March 2024, 14:56 by:
deFrag39 Score
Base +6, goldsprite +7, marvyn7 +6
Base +6, marvyn7 +6, poup +6, RubyRoy +6, tubo +6
Base +7, ComicFlan -6, goldsprite -7