呼籲各位將pixiv上插畫師的圖傳上來謝謝 I appeal to everyone to upload the pictures of the illustrators on pixiv, thank you.
( https://www.pixiv.net/users/15131268 Yurika-R https://www.pixiv.net/users/14325286 まさよ or ゆいみす https://www.pixiv.net/users/3473767 あずまゆき https://www.pixiv.net/users/848240 ディッコ(dikk0) https://www.pixiv.net/users/24359642 old account らむち@帰宅 new one https://www.pixiv.net/users/75264517 らむち https://www.pixiv.net/users/17546064 まぐろシャイニング https://www.pixiv.net/users/327209 青色3号 如果有人有存上面其中之一的圖且願意提供給我的話。希望你能透過站內信箱或[email protected]聯絡我。謝謝。或是傳到e-hentai If someone has saved any of the pictures above and is willing to provide it to me, I hope you can contact me through the site's mailbox or [email protected]. Thank you. Or upload on e-hentai )
Visual changes in eyes: - Change in color and depth in pretty much every corruption sequence - Scattered bits of heart eyes, empty eyes, and strikethrough eyes