Posted on 27 August 2024, 05:22 by:
BlueFast Posted on 16 September 2022, 02:28 by:
吔铁兽 Score
Base +2, blood snow +4, 云子忠 +1, kokonosokamido +6, killerwhale123456 -6, rum_bear -9, killkrence -6, 狼的白银十六 +6, freeFjjg -6, yiming zhang +1, wblxzzggtj -2, 7k7kk -6, ENTREPRENEU +5, and 130 more...
Base +2, Joklet -6, KFKCKBB -1, freeFjjg -6, dushang +1, shangweiaishangwo -2, RNMNB233 -4, Lo•tomoto +6, 欧皇の旅行者 -2, memorymaster -6, sswwwaa +2, XDXDMAN -8, Normal1919 +5, and 27 more...
Posted on 17 October 2022, 16:33 by:
tag430 Score
Base +1, ggggdd飞飞 +2, xingzexuanbaby +6, sty08171508 +4, freeFjjg +6, qee5 +3, hcc12345 +6, kazeajico +6, wobenjiangxin +1, 曹操握的笔 +1, shangweiaishangwo +2, RNMNB233 +4, wwewwe6551 +5, and 29 more...
Base +6, BobDringus +6, masterofsoup328 +8, sty08171508 +4, ring31 +6, an908883 +6, FFFFFACK +12, Mangoman26 +8, Tovler +8, Perve123 +4, Xx360BlitzkriegxX +6, FrankieWatz +8, MyOpinionIsRight -6, and 6 more...
Posted on 05 December 2022, 03:54 by:
Evelyn13 Score
Base +13, an908883 +6, d2k2 +6, Mangoman26 +8, FrankieWatz +8, Qjkl +6, SashaLynch +5, Xx360BlitzkriegxX +6, MyOpinionIsRight -6, vaiarmorghulis -4, rum_bear +10
Posted on 03 January 2023, 13:13 by:
0ld0neEye Score
Base +18, MyOpinionIsRight +6
Posted on 30 January 2023, 12:32 by:
ColorFoxs Score
Base +2, 混沌理论 +4, killerwhale123456 +6, rum_bear +10, ZH0rs +1
Posted on 31 January 2023, 04:09 by:
hillock2 Score
Base +6, o_Yo +5, huxiaochuan822 -5, rum_bear -10, Kanate +6
Base +3, 3igh +1, j3585 +4, qscnkp +6, 渡来人形UMP45 +4, 无敌潘森 +2, huxiaochuan822 -5, rum_bear -10
Posted on 03 February 2023, 06:36 by:
乌鲁の刻刻帝 Score
Base +6, j3585 -4, rum_bear -10, Kanate -6, lushuohui +6
Posted on 25 February 2023, 06:29 by:
Jetkb Score
Base +6, 混沌理论 +4, Boredom -7, o_Yo +5, huxiaochuan822 -5, rum_bear -10
Base +6, Qjkl -6, MehMeher +5, coolswave16 +6, Mangoman26 +9, copperheart +8, vengefulwill -6, ErikaWC -6, MyOpinionIsRight +6, meppycola +6, SatalinLoveJr +7, LurelightDevil -5, eniku -4, and 6 more...
Posted on 06 April 2023, 03:07 by:
公园的MADAO Score
Base +4, o_Yo +5, 渡来人形UMP45 +4, huxiaochuan822 -5, rum_bear -10
Base +3, killerwhale123456 -6, ccv8 +4, 下等马 +4, aKsto146 +5, j3585 +4, jllcloudy +6, JingYesi -6, o_Yo -5, woxiaole +6, qscnkp +6, 渡来人形UMP45 +4, liximier +3, and 11 more...
Base +1, ccv8 +4, j3585 +4, yrd2449545165 +1, 风生百雨 +5, woxiaole +6, 竹子竹子0v0 +3, StawberryAnmitsu -6, 无敌潘森 +2, zrodayazvezda +6, killerwhale123456 -6, ssqq14 -2, Josephni444 +5, and 5 more...
Base +6, Mangoman26 +9, copperheart +8, FFFFFACK +12, FrankieWatz +8, MyOpinionIsRight +6, rum_bear +10
Posted on 10 April 2023, 08:33 by:
zdfcg Score
Base +7, killerwhale123456 -6, joao miguel -6, rerefre +5, ssqq14 -2, dieW0hnung +5, huxiaochuan822 -5, Leon5225 +5, rum_bear -10, Kanate +6, crsl -5
Posted on 12 April 2023, 06:03 by:
4568k Score
Base +2, 无敌潘森 +2, theonium joe +6, huxiaochuan822 -5, rum_bear +10
Base +6, copperheart +8, HatsuneNG +5, vengefulwill -6, Pyoncake -5, Mangoman26 +9, ErikaWC -6, an908883 -6, joao miguel -6, GoblinTech -6, d2k2 +6, Rabaa -7, Qjkl -6, and 17 more...
Base +1, Lady-Labia +3, copperheart -8, Pyoncake -5, 打个一角龙先 +1, Biaza -6, joao miguel -6, Jeffyk21 -6, Qjkl -6, c00p -6, qwertyopp -6, sogeth -30, Toroid -7, and 13 more...
Posted on 25 April 2023, 05:52 by:
Brunoul Score
Base +4, copperheart -8, Pyoncake -5, gblack13 +6, joao miguel -6, GoblinTech -6, Jeffyk21 -6, Qjkl -6, c00p -6, EverFreeGaming -6, FrankieWatz -8, sogeth -30, Toroid -7, and 12 more...
Posted on 25 April 2023, 07:14 by:
gaaaaaaz Score
Base +4, aKsto146 -5, joao miguel -6, copperheart -8, Jeffyk21 -6, rum_bear +9, killerwhale123456 +6, eniku +5, theonium joe -6, huxiaochuan822 +5, Kanate -6, crsl +5
Posted on 03 May 2023, 07:01 by:
nicnest Score
Base +5, j3585 +4, qscnkp +6, killerwhale123456 -6, ssqq14 -2, Otto ker +6, huxiaochuan822 -5, rum_bear -10, JingYesi -6, Kanate +6, crsl -5
Base +5, aKsto146 +5, j3585 +4, woxiaole +6, 渡来人形UMP45 +4, ssqq14 -2, huxiaochuan822 -5, eniku -5, rum_bear -10, JingYesi -6, Kanate +6
Base +3, aKsto146 +5, j3585 +4, killerwhale123456 -6, ssqq14 -2, huxiaochuan822 -5, eniku -5, Leon5225 +5, rum_bear -10, JingYesi -6, Kanate +6, crsl -5
Posted on 19 May 2023, 07:43 by:
猪獂獐 Score
Base +6, Vora77 +4, j3585 +4, 初云乍起 +1, 风生百雨 +5, woxiaole +6, 渡来人形UMP45 +4, MyOpinionIsRight -6, liximier +3, killerwhale123456 -6, user95465 +2, ssqq14 -2, Otto ker +6, and 5 more...
Base +2, killerwhale123456 -6, pav255 +6, ssqq14 -2, dieW0hnung +5, huxiaochuan822 -5, rum_bear -10, JingYesi -6, Kanate +6, crsl -5
Posted on 04 July 2023, 05:17 by:
Hung Hoe Score
Base +7, meppycola -6, theonium joe +6, rum_bear +10
Posted on 12 August 2023, 07:25 by:
nknb Score
Base +2, killerwhale123456 -6, MyOpinionIsRight -6, nslfo +7, eniku -5, theonium joe -6, huxiaochuan822 -5, 114514op667 +2, rum_bear -10, JingYesi -6, Kanate +6, crsl -5
Posted on 12 August 2023, 11:31 by:
qwqpwp447 Score
Base +2, killerwhale123456 -6, yourbb -5, MyOpinionIsRight -6, ssqq14 -2, eniku -5, dome954 +8, theonium joe -6, huxiaochuan822 -5, 大他者 -6, rum_bear -10, JingYesi -6, Kanate +6, and 1 more...
Posted on 04 September 2023, 05:14 by:
last炫神、 Score
Base +1, qianyeluoyu +1, killerwhale123456 -6, ssqq14 -2, nslfo +7, eniku -5, Leon5225 +5, 114514op667 +2, rum_bear -10, JingYesi -6, Kanate +6, crsl -5
Posted on 09 September 2023, 16:31 by:
cooka21 Score
Base +2, SashaLynch -6, FrankieWatz -8, sinfulman666 -6, theonium joe -6, eniku -5, Leon5225 +5, rum_bear -10
Base +1, gddwz -6, qianyeluoyu +1, killerwhale123456 -6, MyOpinionIsRight -6, ssqq14 -2, nslfo +7, theonium joe -6, Wanklord -5, huxiaochuan822 -5, eniku -5, Leon5225 +5, rum_bear -10, and 3 more...
Posted on 10 October 2023, 07:19 by:
Bhaal29 Score
Base +7, MyOpinionIsRight +6, FFFFFACK +12, TheGrimHeaper -6, rum_bear -10, Thranos +7, GainLife -6
Posted on 12 January 2024, 10:00 by:
kojin400 Score
Base +6, darkfire998 -6, MyOpinionIsRight +6, GoblinTech -6, ErikaWC -6, eniku -5, topkeky02 +6, Dezy Mario -6, leejunne -7, shitjimpink +4, SexualStalin -6, theonium joe -6, Wanklord -5, and 12 more...
Posted on 13 January 2024, 06:41 by:
SSSKiss Score
Base +6, MyOpinionIsRight -6, theonium joe +6, copperheart +8, rum_bear +10
Posted on 19 February 2024, 20:52 by:
baise8 Score
Base +6, huxiaochuan822 -5, 大他者 +6, rum_bear +10, Kanate -6, ZH0rs +1
Posted on 20 February 2024, 05:33 by:
高维俯视者官方 Score
Base +2, nslfo +7, huxiaochuan822 -5, rum_bear -10, hxff0086 +6, JingYesi -6, Kanate +6, crsl -5
Base +10, ErikaWC -6, FFFFFACK -12, theonium joe -6, Wanklord -5, eniku -5, Pyoncake -6, icontributenothing +19, GoblinTech -6, MyOpinionIsRight +6, Leon5225 +5, rum_bear -10, Thranos +7
Base +4, huxiaochuan822 -5, eniku -5, Leon5225 +5, rum_bear -10, JingYesi -6, Kanate +6, crsl -5
Posted on 22 March 2024, 06:19 by:
Ashi Ko Score
Base +4, dieW0hnung +5, huxiaochuan822 -5, rum_bear -10, JingYesi -6, Kanate +6, crsl -5
Posted on 11 April 2024, 16:02 by:
Kabingus Score
Base +3, mikanta +2, JamieHeartman +6, MyOpinionIsRight -6, rum_bear +10, eniku +5
Base +6, huxiaochuan822 -5, rum_bear -10, JingYesi -6, eniku -5, Kanate +6, 084klxsklf -1
Base +6, an908883 -6, Thranos +7, GainLife +6, PyocolaAnalogue -6
Base +5, JingYesi -6, Kanate +6, huxiaochuan822 -5, crsl -5