Posted on 30 August 2024, 00:57 by:
Coffedrug Posted on 30 August 2024, 02:11 by:
Konchwa Score
Base +6, zomozomo +6, tgsos +8, throwaway1245725 +11, oheye +9, tangled_ +5, Itsukkkkka +3, joe132 +8, your_name +6, whatsathrowaway +6, PuddingCups -6, Lostalgia +11, Menasws +5, and 12 more...
Base +9, tgsos +8, oheye +9, Retconner +7, as102 +13, Itsukkkkka +3, day of darkness +10, DtV +7, Fills +6, froggie1234 +6, Xafnir +6, LettermanZA +6, Lostalgia +11, and 16 more...
Base +27, trulvir +6, Quflow +7, LettermanZA +6, Lostalgia +11, sweetflan +9, Gentleman Chimera +8, AnEvilByte +6
Base +4, Lostalgia +11, BlazinRoc +9, tobeunforgiven2 +28
Base +6, lord0sebas_ +6, Notalent +6, PuddingCups -6, Lostalgia +11, Yuki8010 +6, Drcl97 +10, bigscuba +8, ragnel alondite +7, Zantos +7, Gentleman Chimera +8
Base +42, as102 +13, Itsukkkkka +3, DtV +7, lord0sebas_ +6, Sealener48 +6, trulvir +6, LettermanZA +6, Lostalgia +11, psynegetic +7, Yuki8010 +6, AlephFish +17, ragnel alondite +7, and 4 more...
Base +6, LettermanZA +6, Lostalgia +11, Jewtoo +7, Yuki8010 +6
Base +26, LettermanZA +6, Lostalgia +11, Jewtoo +7, Yuki8010 +6
Posted on 30 August 2024, 10:56 by:
foda500 Score
Base +8, gunkerino +6, sweetflan +9, sungoer +10
Posted on 30 August 2024, 12:57 by:
Admmi203 Score
Base +6
Posted on 30 August 2024, 22:03 by:
DesuEx Score
Base +8, Lostalgia +11, negro 457 +6
Base +7, absol-san +6, tobeunforgiven2 +28