Title: Kazuma-kyun no Muramura ga Tomaranai! | Kazuma-kyun Can't Stop Being Horny! Circle: Kan'you Shounen Artist: URA Parody: Summer Wars Pages: 22 Translator: alparslan Editor: Chaskacub QC: Terrik, NLH Scanner: Chaskacub
Artist Info Twitter: https://twitter.com/kan_you_syounen Pixiv: https://www.pixiv.net/users/741807
Please support the artist if you can! DLsite: https://www.dlsite.com/bl/circle/profile/=/maker_id/RG26148.html Toranoana: https://ec.toranoana.jp/tora_r/ec/cot/circle/2UPA4C6P8V73dC6Qd687/all/ Melonbooks: https://www.melonbooks.co.jp/fromagee/circle/index.php?circle_id=33769 Booth: https://kanyousyounen.booth.pm/
@rick-kun Hi, thanks for pointing it out, the bubble in question only says "Huh?" so we probably won't bother to release an updated version just for that. And yeah, I believe this is one of the oldest Kazuma books by this artist so it predates the other two releases we did recently.