If you do not appreciate AI-generated images, you can learn how to filter posts with related tags or simply avoid them when you see [AI Generated] in the title. 如果阁下不喜欢AI图,可以学习如何屏蔽带相关TAG的帖子,或是看见AIGC标题时自行绕路。
If you fail to do either and still proceed, let me advise you: downvoting or leaving snarky comments about AI art DOES NOT exactly make you the art connoisseur you might think it does. Kindly close the page and exit to save everyone's time. (And to @pinkmask @icontributenothing, the spineless coward who hides behind downvotes: you're pathetic) 如果前两点都没有做到,一往无前的点了进来,那么我奉劝一句:无论是刷低分和或者在评论中贬损AIGC都不能证明你具有高雅的鉴赏水平,请直接关闭网页退出,节省大家的时间
If you have a favorite Patreon artist you'd like to recommend, or if you have some particularly beautiful AI-generated images to share, please reach out to me at: https://t.me/Cantontele. Of course, I'm also more than happy to chat casually. 如果你有特别喜欢的Patreon画师推荐,或者你有特别好看的AI图分享,请联系:https://t.me/Cantontele。当然,单纯吹吹水我也非常欢迎 ———————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————— The long holiday is upon us once more. So, as per tradition, from today until September 30th, content updates will double on every working day. For the holiday itself, updates will be a bit more sporadic. Happy National Day, whether you mark it on October 1st or October 10th. 小长假又来了,那么按照老规矩,从今天起到9月30号的每一个工作日,内容推送量加倍,至于假期嘛就随缘更新了。无论你认可的国庆日是10月1号還是雙十節,我都祝你国庆节快乐 ——2024-09-23
Exactly. Whoever doesn't find anything interesting in Ai productions is kindly invited to pay attention to somewhere else. Straightfoward easy, isn't it?
Two accounts will hit their grand finale this week, and next week we’ll see their rebirth—Kgirls (Kaiysx) and Osamu-Hiba (Saikawa AIroom). 这周两个账号迎来大结局,然后下周接着安排他们的转世号,分别是Kgirls(Kaiysx)以及Osamu-Hiba(Saikawa AIroom)