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[JacketFreak] Super Girl

Posted:2024-10-23 01:06
File Size:621.2 MiB
Length:137 pages
Favorited:240 times
Average: 4.27

Showing 61 - 80 of 137 images

Posted on 23 October 2024, 23:10 by:   Cbadef    PM
Score -100
Finally!!!!! Thank you so, so much in the name of all the community. What took so long?
Posted on 25 October 2024, 07:02 by:   Hunter2045    PM
Score +28
Nice find. Not quite my thing, but still quite nice.
Posted on 25 October 2024, 14:56 by:   Cbadef    PM
Score -100
Why are you downvoting my first comment? I'm expressing how glad I am of having another of Jacketfreak's works here! I understand that beladrim (which is the username of Jacketfreak her in e-hentai) downvotes it because he doesn't like his content leaked, but why the rest of you downvote it?
Posted on 27 October 2024, 03:10 by:   mosivin    PM
Score +47

First, don't speak on behalf of the whole community, it's annoying

Second, if you want to get their work as soon as possible pay for it, but save yourself those kinds of shitty questions

The answer to your question is pretty obvious, Kemono isn't working, so you'll probably have to wait a lot longer from now on for their work.
Posted on 27 October 2024, 14:48 by:   Cbadef    PM
Score -89

I have been nothing but respectful, I haven't insulted anyone, and I haven't used a single abusive word.

You, however, calificated what I asked as "shitty" without motive, for I asked to have an answer; derised what I asked saying that it was "obvious" without thinking that perhaps other people doesn't know, and gave me an order as if you owned other people.

Really, think a little before writing something shitty like what you did. And that's all I have to tell you.
Posted on 27 October 2024, 17:52 by:   beladrim    PM
Score +69

(What took so long?). That's the part that rubbed some the wrong way I think (And me personally.)

Is not exactly respectful. I highly doubt you would say that to someone serving you coffee at a Starbucks. No body says that in a respectful way.

Just because you're not using insult, doesn't mean you're being respectful.

And to add insult to injury. You're enjoying leaked content (Which is totally fine, that's what this site is for).
And I get that you're happy to get access to content you might be looking forward to. But come on! Don't forget what you are actually consuming here.

I didn't downvote you because the content is leaked. I downvoted you because of the entitled attitude with that (What took so long) part. As if you were entitled for a better service.
Remember what access to this content is: Leaked content.

If your comment was just (Thank you so much in the name of all the community)
I honestly wouldn't have downvoted you (Not sure about the others. But that's my personal reason for it. Not the content being leaked itself and you being happy about it.)

As I've said before, I don't mind my content being leaked here, as long as it's not too fast. (Like, give it a week or two at the very least, you don't have to, but I appreciate any leaker that waits a little to not reduce the perceived value to those who support what I do.)

Pressuring leakers to leak faster? Yeah, that's going to rub me in a bad way. Because that's the ONE thing I ask leakers not to do out of respect for the artists and their supporters.

Give my supporters a LITTLE bit of exclusivity and added value for their support (You're actively asking for the opposite).

And Frankly, this isn't respectful attitude where I was raised. (What took so long?) sounds pretty entitled to me.

Glad you enjoyed the set. But please don't forget what you are actually consuming here: Leaked content that you technichally should not have access to to begin with.

Since, this set has taken a lot of time to be leaked. I'm totally ok with it. And I hope you all enjoy it. (And I thank the leaker for actually waiting to leak the content).
Last edited on 28 October 2024, 09:44.
Posted on 27 October 2024, 21:05 by:   mosivin    PM
Score +24

The one who doesn't think before writing is not me, darling

Nobody has ordered you anything.

It seems that you don't have enough negative votes for you to start self-criticizing

Nothing more to say
Posted on 04 November 2024, 16:09 by:   Eric Keldrev    PM
Score +22
@Cbadef late response but why not. Asking straight out “what took so long” can come off like you’re demanding to know the answer. The way you phrased it is similar when you go to a restaurant and your food was a couple minutes late and you told the waiter “what took so long?” Remember that over text people can’t hear the tone of your voice so you need to construct your sentence to be as obvious as possible to what your tone is. Even if you weren’t intending to be rude you still need to make it explicitly clear.

Something like “if you don’t mind me asking, why did this upload take longer than the previous one?” That sentence read much more like “I’m just curious” rather than “I demand to know the answer.”

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