Sorted from oldest to newest (gallery-dl sorted them like that and I don't want to manually sort +1500 images)
This is an almost complete dump (as 2024-08-13) of Yadokugaeru's fantia. The only thing missing is: - Released doujin (to avoid DMCA and considering that gallery dl can fuck up the image order of some fantia post i didn't want to check +6000 images) - Sketch of released doujins (same reason) - Fantia post's thumb (I only kept some of them to separate some mini comics) - Lower resolution duplicate (what is the point?) - Watermarked (SAMPLE) duplicate - Drawing timelapse (you can't upload video here) but it should be in the torrent - Picture of goods/doll/figure (it's an hentai/manga website) - some early 2017-2018 1000 yens rewards (I used to have acces to most of those thing but my bank was too retarded to send me a new credit card before the old one expire, so my subscription was canceled and I lost acces to those thing and backordering is now annoying thanks to the mastercard/visa ban )
I kept page 472 and 518, even if it's technically part of Kaname-kun daily life, because those chapters are not available elsewhere ( no non-fantia digital/physical release ). I will probably remove that part if the gallery get DMCA'd.
Please support the artist:
EDIT 2024.10.05: Replaced page 140,143 and 144 with better res version and added recent fantia post
@Agr228: It's possible but... I have to pay 1000 yen for every month of content and paying anything on fantia is now extremely annoying because of the Visa/Mastercard/Paypal ban.... I have to buy some prepaid bitcash card (which tend to be out of stock) to buy tora coin and those tora coin allow me to renew my I'd rather just to renew my current subscription
EDIT 2024.11.01: Replaced page 130 with better res version and added recent fantia post
A shame that you lost access to the old stuff due to your bank, if you find a way to get the old rewards and upload them, I'd appreciate it! Nonetheless, thank you!