Posted on 09 August 2022, 03:59 by:
omen666 Score
Base +6, Harmony40 -6, sissyreverseoreo +6, skenver +6, GrimmD +8, Bombum +2
Base +32, DScy31 -6, fanowaffles -6, 1009918 -6, Cyberlust -7, Wangerman -6, Carrotsanta -11, jzpelaez -5, Blastercat -6, Alice S.H. -6, cm4000 +6, ttox -6, TheGreatHullabalo -7, and 25 more...
Posted on 08 October 2022, 00:11 by:
IngmarS Score
Base +7, V972 +7, gigasgmx +6, Wangerman -6, TheSixthChild -5, jzpelaez -5, Alice S.H. -6, cm4000 +6, ttox +6, wololf500 -6, balaclava +6, slippyslips -6, Rudfud +10, and 20 more...
Posted on 08 October 2022, 03:54 by:
buddahec Score
Base +6, cm4000 +6, wololf500 -6, slippyslips +6, Wangerman -6, TheSPNCupcake -6, thefifthcontender -6, jml +7, BiggerBrother84 +6, MyOpinionIsRight +6, Harl3 -6, Thgr8 -6, Vyrming -6, and 1 more...
Posted on 08 October 2022, 10:50 by:
IngmarS Score
Base +7, V972 +7, gigasgmx +6, CxHxA +6, Wangerman +6, cm4000 +6, ttox +6, balaclava +6, noooo_oo_oo +11, tfder -6, toddhaln -6, Rad_ish +6, LunaCat +6, and 4 more...
Posted on 28 October 2022, 11:16 by:
SomeUne Score
Base +6, Wangerman +6, Romi the Byzantine +7, tfder +6, TheSPNCupcake -6, randomab +6, thefifthcontender +6, MyOpinionIsRight -6, Harl3 +6, claralover +6, loginamess -6, codsworthy +2
Base +6, Wangerman +6, slendergender +6, Romi the Byzantine +7, jzpelaez +5, cm4000 -6, wololf500 +6, hardwonpeace -7, tfder +6, TheSPNCupcake -6, JKRD +6, krautbernd -16, coloredflame -7, and 7 more...
Base +6, DScy31 +6, Leader of Chaos +18, TheSixthChild +5, jzpelaez +5, 0Tou0 +6, jojoman7 +6, V972 -7, coloredflame +7, cm4000 -6, TheGreatHullabalo +7, hoigoigoi -30, wololf500 +6, and 27 more...
Base +9, V972 +7, coloredflame +7, cm4000 +6, Star_Singer +6, balaclava +6, hardwonpeace +7, CxHxA +6, jason12052011 +7, solathen +7, noooo_oo_oo +11, somercet +12, Wangerman -6, and 11 more...
Posted on 30 November 2022, 03:50 by:
王老道 Score
Base +6
Posted on 16 December 2022, 22:23 by:
IngmarS Score
Base +7, Alice S.H. -6, V972 +7, TheSixthChild -5, hoigoigoi +30, Star_Singer +6, balaclava +6, hardwonpeace +7, CxHxA +6, jason12052011 +7, noooo_oo_oo +11, Wangerman -6, TheSPNCupcake +6, and 12 more...
Base +6, V972 -7, TheSixthChild +5, hoigoigoi -30, balaclava -6, jason12052011 -7, kenabrxg -16, Rudfud -10, DarkyKong -7, Wangerman +6, TheSPNCupcake -6, Koobadagon -6, krautbernd -17, and 8 more...
Base +6, SpokenWorld +6, Wangerman +6, TheSPNCupcake -6, JDhentai69 +6, ihadfoat +10, LunaCat -6, MyOpinionIsRight -6, Harl3 +6, V972 -8, Liquid Shadow -6, gigasgmx -7
Posted on 04 February 2023, 13:50 by:
Kilcannon Score
Base +6, winarchy +6, Garadice +7, crudebuster -9, Wangerman +6, randomab +6, LunaCat +6, Harl3 +6, voxxyn +10, Liquid Shadow +6
Base +2, Taigan +9, SpokenWorld +6, Wangerman +6, coloredflame -7, gigasgmx -6, randomab +6, MyOpinionIsRight -6, mkmkk11 -6, Arkenite -8, Harl3 +6, xavier7777 -6, AllosapianXIII -6, and 12 more...
Base +6, SpokenWorld +6, Wangerman +6, slendergender +6, gigasgmx -6, Sleeps152 +6, LunaCat +6, MyOpinionIsRight -6, Harl3 +6, V972 -8, falafelswoop -6, Liquid Shadow -6, TheSPNCupcake -7
Base +2, claralover +6, hasdu35 +6, Gremrock +4
Posted on 02 August 2023, 00:55 by:
MrDresden Score
Base +7, abcbcacba +5, Hello my name is +6, fattius_pattius +7, rockball +6, SeekingSilver +8, hasdu35 +6, Gremrock +4, evaluv3r999 +5, Maxim xaos +6, Jago Smith +8
Posted on 18 September 2023, 22:13 by:
Violica Score
Base +6, Shas000 +7, que7 +6, Vass +6, Sleeps152 +6, LunaCat +6, MyOpinionIsRight +6, Liquid Shadow +6
Base +8, gigasgmx +6, Liquid Shadow +6
Posted on 01 December 2023, 16:58 by:
IngmarS Score
Base +7, SeekingSilver +8, Arkenite +8, Harl3 -6, V972 +8, Gremrock +5, kurtistryker +6, QnecroV +6, xavier7777 +6, pyromonkey1818 +6, Leader of Chaos +20, gigasgmx +6, falafelswoop +6, and 8 more...
Posted on 18 November 2024, 12:44 by:
zenith45 Score
Base +8, HaywardGremlin64 -6