Salutations! It's me Ruin! I hope you enjoy my work!
Note: This is one of the first comics I created, so it's a bit rough around the edges. It has quite an abrupt ending as I decided to remake it in different routes. So the ending is quite rushed.
There are two new sequels to this Route:Megumin & Route:Aqua which can be found on my Patreon.
Patreon has all 16 chapters.
Patreon for Early Access Chapters - - and More Comics!
Its interesting story i'm not sure to get all so i ask if i did understand well. Megumin want revange toward kazuma by making him wearing some cursed lingerie ? She say the body modification aren't her doing that mean its either aqua or darkness ? The three girl try to turn kazuma into a girl to make the party full girl, as revenge toward him for whatever the reason and having fun teasing him or i should say her ?