299 is from 2D dream magazine dec2007 vol37 this should help ktcom.jp/2d/2d_37.htm 316 is from here /g/22767/6ea18f279b/?p=11 99 is from Imprisoned Princess monster MONSTER PARK by Delta 287 is from Black Beast (Kuroinu) - Stained cloudy noble saint by Liquid 241 from here /g/175121/2265273d35/?p=19 1 is starcraft, by: neongun 139 & 141 no idea 177 took some finding its /g/110021/aec2474dc2/ 328 is by acbc they do some of the best tentacle around /g/124410/46a9280d72/?p=3 16 is from /g/227733/88392c4415/ if you feel like it karma is always welcomed