Posted on 19 July 2011, 03:20 by:
Sera404 Score
Base +12, gurumao +12, Jisatu +7, User21 +5, Killer_Kittens_Klub +7, jongrg +5, zeroxdash +8, clad95 +8, Oscuro +6, KaTIOWa +5, ezy7 +9, js2016 +1, tacoda +4, and 22 more...
Base +3, ClariNerd -6, Dividedbyzero +9, KaTIOWa +6, Raidou7 +7, darkspirit +6, tocaia +4, TheMister999 +6, whorbgl +6, Nikey__k +3, Novanity +5, nurd +5, dj756 +5, and 7 more...
Posted on 19 July 2011, 03:34 by:
ssringo Score
Base +9, gurumao +12, Endorph +6, User21 +5, jongrg +5, zeroxdash +8, Thunderbeef +6, clad95 +8, KaTIOWa +5, ctrln +4, stupid army +9, littshepkid +5, js2016 +1, and 18 more...
Base +22, rangu - beiri +12, brandivolgio +6, sjohnson1577 +9, Yourself7 +5, tohya +6, Shibun +8, Gandir +5, Hariwald +9, GreatSuccess +5, reggieob +10, GhostStalker +5, chess guy 24 +7, and 50 more...
Posted on 19 July 2011, 03:47 by:
DAPL Score
Base +7, KiraKazumi +5, altereggo +12, GreatSuccess +5, ClariNerd +6, zeroxdash +8, KungFuTruffle +9, Limited +9, KaTIOWa +5, hswhat +8, ctrln +4, stupid army +9, littshepkid +5, and 21 more...
Posted on 19 July 2011, 05:09 by:
Pepspro Score
Base +7, brandivolgio +6, RAGE1 +11, Jisatu +7, Millennial +7, Yourself7 +5, tohya +6, HXW +7, r8221 +7, GreatSuccess +5, chess guy 24 +7, ClariNerd +6, ebspacc +1, and 77 more...
Base +1, ClariNerd -6, tomu-kun -5, KaTIOWa +6, Beane +10, Vanitas1310 +4, ezy7 +9, Raidou7 -7, darkspirit +6, vllx6 -6, dj756 -5, JAMR92 +6, clad95 +6, and 4 more...
Posted on 19 July 2011, 06:32 by:
TRJ Score
Base +7, altereggo +12, grandy +8, ClariNerd +6, jongrg +5, zeroxdash +8, clad95 +8, masonhales +2, KaTIOWa +5, Colman +28, liny +7, ezy7 +9, js2016 +1, and 11 more...
Base +7, gurumao +12, MicahTantei +5, altereggo +12, r8221 +7, GreatSuccess +5, hurpa +6, ClariNerd +6, hentaa1 +1, Drag00noid +8, fiul +10, jongrg +5, zeroxdash +8, and 53 more...
Base +6, zeroxdash +8, darkspirit +6, vllx6 -6, KaTIOWa +6, dj756 -5
Posted on 19 July 2011, 18:22 by:
Drenja Score
Base +5, ClariNerd -6, truefire +1, KaTIOWa +6, Ryo75 -9, darkspirit +6, Raidou7 +7, vllx6 -6, helraios +5, JMV321 +5, Yiyr +5, dj756 -5, JakeRowling +7, and 1 more...
Posted on 20 July 2011, 07:18 by:
marc455 Score
Base +1, hurpa -6, ClariNerd -6, tomu-kun -5, backslash -8, littshepkid -5, 7331 +15, Fanservicefan +15, barudo +6, jespoke +3, TheMister999 +6, chcommunity +10, Vivi1993 +8, and 12 more...
Base +7, noboi -6, ClariNerd -6, tomu-kun +5, KaTIOWa +6, Schizoprenik +5, randomperson1 -8, Ryo75 -9, darkspirit +6, Raidou7 -7, 7331 +15, JMV321 +5, dj756 +5, and 2 more...
Base +7, zeroxdash +8, ReverieM +6, BruceLee +9, clad95 +8, RiZa +9, masonhales +2, Ziginus +6, KaTIOWa +5, randomperson1 +7, littshepkid +5, DoggieDog +8, Beane +10, and 39 more...
Base +1, randomperson1 +7, KaTIOWa +6, GuroLover12 +6, ezy7 +9, Yairz +3, banana20_20 +9, darkspirit +6, vllx6 -6, helraios +5, JMV321 +5, susu_357 +6, tyroluuki +6, and 4 more...
Base +4, GuroLover12 +6, Vanitas1310 +4, darkspirit +6, dj756 +5, clad95 +6
Base +1, darkspirit +6, helraios +6, dj756 +5, Cybe +6
Posted on 18 August 2011, 09:03 by:
Vorin 22 Score
Base +5, fup235 +5, KaTIOWa +6, ezy7 +9, darkspirit +6, helraios +5, dj756 +5, Hitsuyou-H +29
Base +1, Eckin +11, Ziginus +6, KaTIOWa +5, hswhat +8, randomperson1 +7, Carbonate +1, js2016 +1, ezy7 +9, Yairz +3, tacoda +4, rjmacx +5, darkspirit +6, and 12 more...
Posted on 13 October 2011, 16:29 by:
Bamioum Score
Base +4, randomperson1 +7, KaTIOWa +6, ezy7 -9, Theguy02 -9, darkspirit +11, JMV321 +5, abrickhouse +3, dj756 -5, Azazel2I +6
Posted on 31 October 2011, 04:43 by:
bersek Score
Base +8, Tehpwned1 +6, rjmacx +5, darkspirit +6, helraios +5, JMV321 +5, dj756 +5, namlykaj +6, Hitsuyou-H +29, clad95 +6
Base +8, Dividedbyzero +9, KaTIOWa +6, darkspirit +6, Vivi1993 -8, dj756 -5, vert790 -6
Posted on 01 May 2012, 14:55 by:
Lolzmang Score
Base +8, KaTIOWa +6, kudo01 +7, ezy7 +9, js2016 +1, Seiryuu Blade +9, randomperson1 +8, LegoArielFanMaster +8, Yairz +3, Kaede73 +8, tacoda +4, rjmacx +5, darkspirit +6, and 9 more...
Base +15, Beane +10, notabug3 +4, ezy7 +9, adlimori +14, randomperson1 +8, Yairz +3, Kaede73 +8, tacoda +4, darkspirit +6, dj756 +5, Cybe +6, The_Sickness66 +6, and 3 more...
Posted on 07 June 2012, 23:12 by:
J_Howard Score
Base +10, KaTIOWa +6, darkspirit +6, vllx6 -6, durasteel +7, dj756 +5
Base +9, darkspirit +6, vllx6 -6, JMV321 +5, dj756 +5
Posted on 23 January 2013, 00:03 by:
Drumboo Score
Base +1, GuroLover12 -6, Vanitas1310 +4, darkspirit +11, Raidou7 -7, vllx6 -6, Tyflosion18 +6, dj756 -5, Gtzgold -6, Hitsuyou-H +30
Base +7, darkspirit +6, Raidou7 -7, konakona1024 -6, georgef35 -6, GalaxyClip -6, JMV321 +5, ilokilok +6, Petsura +6, Xerxis -8, dj756 -5
Posted on 29 January 2014, 10:16 by:
Mackus Score
Base +5, Tehpwned1 -6, Ryo75 -9, pizzaguy23 +4, delicious_cake +7, vllx6 -6, 7331 +15, konakona1024 +6, conkikhon +5, Minx +6, Vivi1993 +8, ilokilok -6, TheGoubert +6, and 18 more...
Posted on 20 June 2014, 20:25 by:
sgthale Score
Base +11, darkspirit +6, vllx6 +6, dj756 +5
Posted on 21 August 2014, 07:25 by:
h8GWbush Score
Base +5, delicious_cake +7, darkspirit +6, dj756 +5, FuckGoogle -5
Posted on 22 December 2014, 04:03 by:
triopsate Score
Base +6, Tyflosion18 +6, conkikhon +5, darkspirit +6
Base +8, darkspirit +6, dj756 -5
Posted on 04 April 2015, 00:59 by:
blunt005 Score
Base +6, dj756 -5, FuckGoogle +5
Base +2, Homuli -6, dj756 -6, BigOOFF -5, poomrapea -6, Wehwei +6
Base +28, darkspirit +7, FuckGoogle +5
Base +4, Haborym +6, SOGee +6, Cybe +6, Neriman +6, BigOOFF +4
Base +12, abrickhouse +3, Xerxis -8, Neriman +6
Base +2, αpαche phαntoM +18, Mr.Night +7
Posted on 17 February 2016, 10:30 by:
ART65 Score
Base +6, ilokilok -6, dj756 -5, durasteel -7, Xerxis +8, Haborym -6, darkspirit +7, Metal_Wolf +6, Wehwei +6
Posted on 27 February 2017, 00:44 by:
prurient Score
Base +4
Base +6, Hitsuyou-H +30, FuckGoogle +5
Posted on 15 September 2017, 07:01 by:
lolbacon Score
Base +6, dj756 -5, GO_KENTA +8, Hitsuyou-H +30, BigOOFF +4
Base +6, dj756 -5, Metal_Wolf -6, BigOOFF -4
Base +6, BigOOFF +4, Wehwei +6
Last edited on 02 February 2023, 02:28.
Base +11, Henriquo +6