Base +6, Cowables +8, Paz Legalces +15, csati777 +7, specck -9, Natael -8, Femicide -1, Drish +4, scoutxr28 -7, Preetine -1, TylerWolf +7, Buggy Page +8, killerrabbit1 +1, and 18 more...
Base +9, Natael -8, spamfeeder -9, Ghost_Opera -2, scoutxr28 -7, splatternick -9, Eddie Oe -1, Ausername -8, Fride -9, treasure-chests-comix +7, Bud_1911 -5, Darkwolf-666 -6, Etic -5, and 8 more...
Posted on 18 August 2012, 23:19 by:
Gallgael Score
Base +8, Natael +8, scoutxr28 +7, Preetine +1, narach +10, Baracca +8, Cattapratta +4, Thanatos Zero +12, n667 +1, killroy_255 +4, Zereth Deagroth +6, bgrim +14, marwilny +6
Base +1, TylerWolf +7, Eddie Oe +1, Cattapratta +4, PregnantWhoreFucker +6, ToniHD +10, twifap +7, opulent -6, lonewanderer101 +7, DarkKuroi +13, mnkyslut +11, Zereth Deagroth +6, bgrim +10, and 1 more...
Posted on 05 June 2013, 14:58 by:
Nejisan Score
Base +8, Cattapratta +4, ToniHD -10, greenpeon -8, Kobayashi666 +1, DarkKuroi +13, bgrim +14, marwilny +6