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Posted:2013-02-01 22:46
File Size:5.90 MiB
Length:128 pages
Favorited:22 times
Average: 2.37

Showing 41 - 80 of 128 images

Posted on 01 February 2013, 22:46 by:   xblurp    PM
Uploader Comment
This is to replace the old gallery, but I'm not sure how to do that. This one should be in better quality and have all the pages unlike the first one.Enjoy.
Posted on 01 February 2013, 23:21 by:   Necronomicron    PM
Score +21
I don't think it's possible to enjoy this.
Posted on 01 February 2013, 23:27 by:   Phiehgschieh    PM
Score -3
It is very hard to find Alberichs works, if any, so... this is one sick pervert saying: "Thanks"!
Posted on 02 February 2013, 13:59 by:   Legion64    PM
Score +15
Are you telling me that someone actually wants to see this shit?
Posted on 03 February 2013, 10:33 by:   xblurp    PM
Score +12
I'm really confused at the comments here. If you don't like it, why are you viewing it?Not only that, but even if you were just curious, clicked on it, and then decided you really didn't like it, why did you continue going back to the galleries that had something you knew you didn't like? This of course goes to Necronomicron and Legion64. And even then, if you didn't enjoy it why did you make it almost a mission just to say you didn't like it and as rude of a way as possible? Wouldn't saying that on one of the galleries be enough?And if you want to insult the art style or the content you are more than welcome to in a better and respectful manner. Regardless of how someone drew this, they did take the time to draw it, and share it and all you are doing is saying "well you wasted your life artist because I don't like it and that means no one does." That's what your comments sound like to me.

Further more I'm can't tell if your comments are serious or not. I know one of them made me laugh, but the rest just seem childish. It may come as a surprise, but there are other people out in the world who don't share your interest.This does appeal to some people and they should be able to enjoy it without looking at the comments and seeing others be disgusted with the thought. And I get if you really want to show you dislike it, but the way you write it is beyond disrespectful. This isn't something that came out recently, and even if it did you still hold no right to say this is shit. It's free. You didn't have to pay for it. You are complaining about something that can be completely avoided and yet you return to, to get some sort of satisfaction from putting it down.

And if I had to go any further into why your comments are "disagreeable" I could write this comment forever. However I won't. I'll leave what I've written to hopefully settle in your thoughts should you return to this page. If however you do reply to this comment with some way of defending your actions I doubt I will reply, because it'll more than likely just contain cursing, many reasons why I myself am sick for enjoying it (it tends to go down that route), and in the rare case you do say that the comments shouldn't be taken seriously, you've obviously never seen the consequence of actions, and the effects on people.

I myself don't care much if you guys call this trash, but for the other people who would be affected by it, I feel someone should be the "Devil's advocate" and defend the other side of the argument as to not just allow the "Norm" side win because it is common. And really this is the internet. If by now you are still surprised by what people fap to, you've either not been on the internet long, are a child, are horribly narrow minded, are an attention seeking troll, or well...I can't think of another reason aside from people fearing that they might secretly like what they see and are in conflict with what they know is wrong and what they like. I do hope you who insult this work at least think about what I've written. I've got plenty of examples of how people on the internet don't realize how they destroy other's lives.
Posted on 07 February 2013, 02:13 by:   herpherpherp    PM
Score +16
Holy fuck xblurp, you must be new here.

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