Posted on 10 October 2013, 06:38 by:
eddie76 Posted on 20 July 2013, 13:34 by:
LD0ne Score
Base +12, rekon2 +7, Hawkie +8, Warrior90 -9, leechaolan -5, thevoles +6, kuntry -7, POOT +9, kingzigzag +8, damask +7, Morgan66 +5, Bane13 +21, brechbein -7, and 18 more...
Posted on 21 July 2013, 00:13 by:
Montaj Score
Base +8, leechaolan +5, hihihahahoho +11, spuget +8, taj1994 +5, Anomalious +10, slav3r +1, corruptedemptyness66 +1, qrsWtuv +9, Bane13 +21, Ilia_ +11, sergiorr90 +4, Vagic +1, and 10 more...
Posted on 21 July 2013, 00:58 by:
jhbjhb Score
Base +7, thevoles +6, kuntry +7, ooups +9, hihihahahoho -11, Kael Hyun -7, damask +7, anon5678 -3, bigmc89 -9, interpid +6, yiyoiyi +8, Bab The Great +1, nine-zero -6, and 1 more...
Base +2, Vagic +1, Mistake +10, Djrousku -8, yiyoiyi +8, InariKitsune -10, eddie76 +20, tobeunforgiven2 -20, jesusjoens8 -6, Coledas Ukgent +14
Posted on 02 September 2013, 09:14 by:
newsbox Score
Base +10, Kael Hyun -7, leechaolan +5, NeBuR1997 +7, ZHKC21 +4, yiyoiyi -8, lupienok +7, Djrousku -8, badlax +4, InariKitsune +10, StevieWicks +8, hihihahahoho +11, v1c0d1n +8, and 11 more...
Base +5, atgmdpwa +1, corruptedemptyness66 +1, StevieWicks +8, qrsWtuv +9, Bane13 -21, yiyoiyi +8, Vagic +1, edge076 +6, name2222222 +12, Thanatar +6, ForbidenMountain +6, Coledas Ukgent +14
Base +8, taj1994 +5, ЛЁнчеГ +8, corruptedemptyness66 +1, keonas +9, lookabox -5, slav3r +1, yiyoiyi +8, InariKitsune -10, QwertySS +18, tobeunforgiven2 -20, Coledas Ukgent +14
Posted on 06 August 2013, 22:45 by:
ekvator Score
Base +13, corruptedemptyness66 +1, qrsWtuv +9, hihihahahoho +11, keonas +9, spuget +8, interpid +6, slav3r +1, trakkena +1, MaxMach +11, notorius +12, thevoles +6, Azrubel +1, and 2 more...
Posted on 18 August 2013, 04:27 by:
zagnor Score
Base +9, spiraltourne +1, yiyoiyi +8, Bab The Great +1, Coledas Ukgent +14
Base +6, yiyoiyi +8, name2222222 +12, Coledas Ukgent +14
Posted on 17 September 2013, 22:49 by:
kyleblue Score
Base +8, Xiao8 +7, wogove +1, Djrousku -8, yiyoiyi -8, Fellg +5, coldx +8, raven-chan +5, InariKitsune +10, StevieWicks +8, v1c0d1n +8, amt +8, slav3r +2, and 13 more...
Posted on 17 September 2013, 13:33 by:
Slarki Score
Base +8, yiyoiyi +8, Coledas Ukgent +14
Posted on 17 September 2013, 19:34 by:
desrew Score
Base +7, yiyoiyi +8, Coledas Ukgent +14
Posted on 11 October 2013, 06:14 by:
masta518 Score
Base +7, B1ohazard +8, InariKitsune +10, hihihahahoho +11, amt +8, name2222222 +12, Asmodeean +6, fail293095 +6, Thanatar +6, tobeunforgiven2 +20, Coledas Ukgent +14
Posted on 18 September 2013, 03:19 by:
AerosM Score
Base +1, Djrousku -8, *Blackshard* +6, yiyoiyi -8, Fellg +5, coldx +8, Celeadyne +10, badlax +4, Necoros +10, B1ohazard +8, trakkena +1, AssaultEagle +7, notorius +12, and 43 more...
Base +9, amt +8, linksbro1 +6, larguuchan +7, Calibre +9, tobeunforgiven2 +20, Coledas Ukgent +14
Posted on 10 October 2013, 16:00 by:
Nelix192 Score
Base +4, Coledas Ukgent +14
Last edited on 02 July 2015, 22:07.
Base +6, tobeunforgiven2 +20, Coledas Ukgent +14
Posted on 10 October 2013, 20:11 by:
D u b b y Score
Base +11, Azrubel +1, sergiorr90 +4, Calibre +9, Thanatar +6, tobeunforgiven2 +20, qrsWtuv +9, Ciano21 +5, Coledas Ukgent +14
Posted on 14 October 2013, 17:37 by:
melekain Score
Base +9, Kier +11, Zenun_F +6, Calibre +9, tobeunforgiven2 +20, Ciano21 +5, Coledas Ukgent +14
Posted on 23 January 2014, 01:29 by:
Dickus18 Score
Base +4, Bab The Great -1, Coledas Ukgent +14
Posted on 31 January 2015, 23:26 by:
ben569 Score
Base +1, Pipo12 +1, tobeunforgiven2 -20, karachi -6, Coledas Ukgent -14, C.Scarlet +6
Posted on 10 May 2015, 06:39 by:
Hirobi Score
Base +13, tobeunforgiven2 -20, karachi -6, Coledas Ukgent -14, C.Scarlet +6
Posted on 25 October 2015, 19:25 by:
Gizmo8001 Score
Base +1, Lews Therin +6, karachi -6, NeighborVadimMan -3, Coledas Ukgent -14, C.Scarlet +6
Base +3, tobeunforgiven2 +20, karachi +6, Coledas Ukgent +14