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Hagure Yuusha no Estetica (Red's ecchi caps)

Posted:2014-02-14 10:57
File Size:347.2 MiB
Length:498 pages
Favorited:91 times
Average: 4.47

Showing 401 - 440 of 498 images

Posted on 14 February 2014, 10:57 by:   Red of EHCOVE    PM
Uploader Comment
And that's what I mean we have been spoiled by ecchiness...

Don't forget to check , that dude almost makes caps obsolete. I think I skipped capping the specials because his efforts made that almost unnecessary.

Nothing on yet.

Also, wanted to say that HYnE had a pretty nice premise, but turned out to be a rather bad show. I don't recommend actually watching it, the torrent/screenshot contain about all that's of any value here. Plot's crappiness aside, can anyone explain why there are no doujins/cgsets/gamecgsets from this franchise? WTF? It's not like worse shows haven't generated a crapton of stuff...?

E-hentai tip of the gallery:

8) You can buy GP for credits at The GP Exchange here: /exchange.php?t=gp
Posted on 14 February 2014, 16:32 by:   Hectotane    PM
Score +51
HYnE is not a bad show.

It's just that the herbivores who make up the animu fanbase don't wanna support any anime where the shounen( lead)s actually have spine and do the ass-kicking; as oppose to getting their asses kicked and femdomized. They can enjoy an animu title when the shounen lead is a freaking loser or doesn't exist.

The fact that "Goro Fucking Your Waifu" is allowed but there are no h-doujins of this show says way too much. :(
Posted on 14 February 2014, 17:37 by:   Axl666    PM
Score +2
I just enjoy anime if the plot is good or something, but watching anime just because the sake of boobs? I rather watch hentai then. Like seriously...
Posted on 16 March 2014, 07:37 by:   kuroishironeko    PM
Score +4
great point hectotane i completely agree.just watching IS is enough to remind me what a f*cking wussy loser Ichika is.
And they all like him why exactly? it still baffles me 0.O
Posted on 02 July 2014, 13:13 by:   Yamato-san    PM
Score +9
I don't think it's the best show, but I do agree that it gets shit on way too much. I mean, who couldn't find the concept of "over-leveled RPG hero keeps his powers post-game and uses them to troll chicks" more than a little amusing?

Aside from the childhood friends who are obsessed with nostalgia and never even considered moving on to somebody else, it's probably because Ichika's the only dude in an all-girl's school, due to him somehow being the only male in the world who could operate an IS. Put that way, I guess it makes them sound rather desperate. Meh, whatever, I watch for the Cecilia. ^^

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