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Kigurumi SKA 2011.12-2014.05

Posted:2014-06-14 21:56
File Size:159.0 MiB
Length:920 pages
Favorited:59 times
Average: 2.78

Showing 281 - 320 of 920 images

Posted on 14 June 2014, 21:56 by:   dspnonu    PM
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collect from
by my written program :)
Posted on 15 June 2014, 02:26 by:   Frick Not Frack    PM
Score +47
Posted on 16 June 2014, 13:51 by:   Dogman4    PM
Score +26
I have to admit, anime/manga girls are better 2-dimensional than real life 3-D. NOW, THIS IS JUST DOWN RIGHT CREEPY AS HELL...


Dude, shut the fuck up, just look at this shit above you for 10 seconds and tell me how awesome it looks. Do you really even know what us "perverts" on this site like or dislike? And who said, vore, bestiality, or some other sub-genre is considered the weird norm? Of course, most people wouldn't eat other people for sexual satisfaction, sure most people wouldn't fuck animals (although, some do in real life), and most people would not actually have sex with an over-sized headed, big eyed, human being. It is all preference here man; no hate, if it looks sexy then it's okay. Sometimes quality matters on this site (if not mostly), but when it goes too far, looks offensive, or just looks creepy like this regurgitated crap above me, then you might as well call it "weird and or creepy". It's just opinions and preference, no one is here to dislike content just to spread a wildfire of hate; I happen to see this, I had the accord right to critique it. I happen to love 3-D anime girls, IF THEY LOOK OKAY AND NOT LIKE SOME PEDO IN SOME BARNEY COSTUME... But, again, preference, my friends,...and opinions.


It's okay dude; if anything, myself, I did not want to see this, but it happened to be in the featured content when I was snooping around in this glorious website of free Eastern temptation and curiosity got the best of my attention. I know this argument was meaningless as scribbles in a bathroom stall, I understand man... No hard feelings bro. But truth be told, this shit does look fucking creepy, do you agree? Anyway, like I said earlier I am not here to flame or start fights online with innocent people, except if I really wanted to troll. lol

I hope we can settle this, we all have opinions, I just happen to lurk around places and give my own. It's all good, no need for fighting man.


Good, nice to hear that we are cool. But, the real question is still at hand here, and that question is: How did this even get featured in the first place, with low ratings? Don't people dislike this from the shown ratings? Or do they admire it for it's other worldliness?
Posted on 15 June 2014, 03:23 by:   alucard999    PM
Score +10
mmmmm inquietante -_-
Posted on 15 June 2014, 03:26 by:   Sakrilas    PM
Score +25
Uncanny Valley: The Gallery
Posted on 15 June 2014, 03:40 by:   ralas    PM
Score +29
at least tell us the gender of the person modeling. it is creepy enough before i realize this may be some guy creeper in his 40s trying to seduce teenage boys John Wayne Gacy Jr. style
Posted on 15 June 2014, 06:35 by:   Nikkol    PM
Score +10
The horror! Oh, the horror!
Posted on 17 June 2014, 00:34 by:   gabsama    PM
Score +32
Why in the hell did you people click on this page if you are disturbed by this?
There's a preview you know... you can decide whether or not you wannna see.
It's like watching someone purposefully stick his/her hand in a huge fire and listening to them complain about how it hurts so bad

We got a lot of "so called" unusual material (in the perspective of a great number of people in this world)in this site.
Skat, vore, bestiality, etc... because this is a site for perverts, all members should have the freedom to share their kinks.

By the way, if you haven't noticed by now, fapping on 2-dimensional characters with oversized eyes and heads is considered weird in common standards...
(Which I believe is what the majority of you people do here including myself. If not, what are you doing here?)
Just like others in this world shouldn't judge us from the fact that we like anime, we shouldn't call out names to those with an uncommon fetish.

I expected the people in this site would be open minded to other's sexual fantasy no matter how uncommon they are...
I guess I was wrong... how sad....


True, you got the right to critique and have an opinion, however, so do I.
My opinion is that it is a waste of time to go through the trouble of knowingly clicking on a page that is creepy to you, and then complain about it when you could have just ignored it and go to some other material that pleases your eye.

Now if this was an open media site, or a website for people of specific interests that is unrelated to this, then this would certainly be creepy to the majority of people and may be criticized and called names... but come on dude, this site is called E-hentai right?

But then again, who gives a crap what I think...
Both my comment and yours are the equivalent of some scribbles in the corner of a public restroom.
Most people won't read them, most people don't care.

I just want people to enjoy their own thing freely without other people making them feel like a freak.
They get enough of that crap in real life and other websites.. give them a break at least here...

With that said, I still wish you have a good time here, and wish no one ruins your favorite gallery by calling you and your loved material as being "creepy".


I understand that you find this creepy man, it is normal for people to be "uneasy" to the sight of a masked individual.
Who knows what intentions or expression lie beneath that is part of regular self preservation I believe.

I am rather comfortable seeing these images... perhaps because I seen plenty of kigurumi staged shows when I was a kid in Japan.
I just think it's cosplay at a different level, utilizing a mask to become someone different, someone he/she isn't.. ..
I know some cosplayers and I guess that's why they do it. To become something interesting and leave their uninteresting lives and identity behind at least for a few minutes or hours..
(I don't cosplay because I ain't exactly a person who like to show off myself to random strangers in fancy
Its just a matter of degree of the transformation.
Like you said before, just a matter of taste and opinion.

(I'd admit that if some unknown individual dressed up like that sprints towards me at full speed, I would be scared.... anyone would be scared... even kigurumi enthusiasts would be


I have no idea dude, most likely "featured items" are actually "random new items" here...
Posted on 15 June 2014, 17:22 by:   Mimichacha    PM
Score +11
One of the most creepy things I have ever seen.
Posted on 10 December 2014, 18:10 by:   underageuser    PM
Score +8
While not exactly my cup of tea, I do admire the craftsmanship that went into all of this. I mean supposing the person inside is a guy, he would have had to maintain a strict diet to fit inside these things. I don't think this stuff is pretty mainstream either, but these pictures show two or more people, in outdoor locations meaning the guy summoned up the courage to take his hobby to the next level. Now i don't really care what my fellow pervs fap to, but these people are serious, and I'm fine with that.

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