This is a collection of pictures of the girl Frederica Sawyer from Black Lagoon, known also as Sawyer The Cleaner or Ghost Girl, there is little order or theme of the gallery, other than the images being about her. A lot of the pictures are explicit, a lot of them are not. A scant few of the images have a slightly violent theme, featuring some measure of blood.
Frederica is 18 or older in all of these pictures, one image is a chibi style caricature like picture, not a loli picture. I have tried to make sure that this gallery doesn't contain anything that's against the rules or on the DNP list.
EDIT: Nevermind, figured out the tags, was a while. I tried to write up all the artists name that I could remember, if any of you see an error or can identify the art of some of these, please do tell me. Current state of this gallery is sloppy.