I posted this gallery not because because I think this comic is a great achievement, but rather because of the development. Since these are early works, you can see how my styles changed over time. Both the drawing and the writing gets better. Here are links for comparison with my other works: /g/795989/d269a792a1/ /g/800022/b7cbe2d524/
CONTENTS of Gallery: Page 1: Digitally drawn tribute Page 2: Info about the history and making of Page 3: Main title Page 4-213: Chapter 1 Panels Page 214: Extra double sized panel specially made for the chapter 1 comic pages (also drawn at that time). Page 215-274: Chapter 4 Panels Page 275-379: Chapter 5 Panels Page 380: sneaky Danae Page 381-404: Chapter 1 Pages
PLEASE do not hate on bad English and spelling in this gallery. It is old and English is not my first language. When it comes to writing, there's a great difference between the beginning and the end of this gallery.
artwork isn't bad but the presentation is a bit raw in these modern times. my guess is not done with any modern technology probably pencils and a scanner my own work teds to look like this on the rare occasion I have chosen to show it. http://shrouticus.deviantart.com/art/Trent-503087139 http://shrouticus.deviantart.com/art/Sara-Corvin0001-503085925 and http://shrouticus.deviantart.com/art/Akiko0001-503084676
Hmmm, the art actually made me think of early pabloart/locofuria and Arania. But I must say you put more details in drawing the faces and expression, specially for the eyes, which are really good.
@Duuddee: Unfortunately, this was discontinued. I could possibly make a "fan-art" of my own work sometime. Just a random scene recreated digitally, but the comic is really over. The story isn't, though. I've become a writer as well. I've published one book so far and I need to create a bit of a portfolio of about 4 or 5 independant stories. After that I will probably move on to making this comic into a bookseries. Unfortunately, my guess is that will happen in about 2 years...
@Totterslane67: ok, thankyou for your answer! I would ask you just one think, Who are the fuor girl that are killed ant turned into Slime at the end of the story? I mean age, neme, ...
@Duuddee: Sorry for the late reaction. Those girls are completely random. Where they come from and who they are is utterly unknown. They were just stolen from their own time and place and converted into slime in those three pages.