/g/709174/0f11a2e939/ if you want to help me get doujins to scan or do more commissions come here https://www.patreon.com/michelous merged gallery with this for complete compilation /g/827190/5f1a867d78/
Oh my god! A Code Geass gender bender where LeLouch actually became a girl, rather than just having been a girl from the beginning for some reason? Awesome! Now if I can just find a Kyonko doujin where Kyon actually became a girl, rather than it just being Kyonko.
TG manga is pointless without some kind of switch. imo.
Base +7, Abarrow +5, HodorHodor +6, Nefasturris +9, Mal4med +5, shrö +6, Werp a derp +7, Fancy Face +6, Chloral +5
@時doK, Agreed. Only thing I like about 'Always that way TG is when it's someone messing around with the concept of a whole cast of characters swapped and we see character relations in a new (hopefully comedic) light, XD. When you're just TG-ing one character, I say make it an actual change with some reaction! Just seems...lazy...otherwise.